Simocephalus (Echinocaudus) acutirostratus (King, 1853)

CHATTERJEE, TAPAS, KOTOV, ALEXEY A., DAMME, KAY VAN, CHANDRASEKHAR, S. V. A. & PADHYE, SAMEER, 2013, An annotated checklist of the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from India, Zootaxa 3667 (1), pp. 1-89 : 21

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Simocephalus (Echinocaudus) acutirostratus (King, 1853)


(35) Simocephalus (Echinocaudus) acutirostratus (King, 1853) View in CoL

Indian records. Assam —Sharma S. (2008b), Sharma B.K. & Sharma S. (2008a, b); Bihar —Sharma B.K. & Sharma S. (2001); Kerala — Subhash Babu & Thomas (2007); Manipur —Sharma B.K. & Sharma S. (2009a); Meghalaya —Sharma B.K. & Sharma S. (1999; 2011), Sharma S. (2010b); Tamil Nadu —Michael & Sharma B.K. (1988), Venkataraman (1999b), Raghunathan & Suresh Kumar (2002, 2009); Tripura — Venkataraman & Das (2000); General record— Fernando & Kanduru (1984), Sharma B.K. & Michael (1987), Murugan et al. (1998), Raghunathan & Suresh Kumar (2003).

Remarks. Valid species described from Australia ( King 1853a), populations from India (Michael & Sharma B.K. 1988) seem to belong to S. acutirostratus s.str. Two synonyms, S. vidyae Rane 1983 and Simocephalus vidyae gajareae Rane, 1986 , were established based on Indian material without any valuable diagnostic traits discriminating them from the former (Sharma B.K. & Sharma S. 1990; Orlova-Bienkowskaja 2001). Murugan & Sivaramakrishnan (1973) and Murugan (1977) carried out laboratory studies on the biology and life cycle of the Indian populations.

Distribution. “It occurs with certainty in Australia and South-East Asia” ( Orlova-Bienkowskaja 2001). Very common in the whole Oriental zone.

Simocephalus (Echinocaudus) australiensis ( Dana, 1852)

Indian records. Assam — Biswas (1980); Punjab — Battish (1983); General record— Fernando & Kanduru (1984), Raghunathan & Suresh Kumar (2003).

Remarks. S. australiensis was described from Australia ( Dana 1852). It is a junior synonym of S. exspinosus ( De Geer, 1778) (see Orlova-Bienkowskaja 2001).

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