Smeringopus chogoria, Huber, 2012

HUBER, BERNHARD A., 2012, Revision and cladistic analysis of the Afrotropical endemic genus Smeringopus Simon, 1890 (Araneae: Pholcidae), Zootaxa 3461 (1), pp. 1-138 : 29-30

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Smeringopus chogoria

sp. nov.

Smeringopus chogoria View in CoL new species

Figs. 3–4 View FIGURES 2–13 , 115–116, 119–120, 123–126 View FIGURES 115–130 , 131–136 View FIGURES 131–137 , 155–164 View FIGURES 155–168

Type. Male holotype from Kenya, Eastern Province , Mt. Kenya N.P., Chogoria Forest, ‘site 1’ (0°12.1’S, 37°29.4’E), 2460 m a.s.l., 27.i.2010 (B.A. Huber), in ZFMK (Ar 8495) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The name is a noun in apposition, derived from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Easily distinguished from most known congeners by long process near male palpal tarsal organ ( Figs. 131, 132 View FIGURES 131–137 ); also by shapes of procursus (distal elements; Figs. 131, 132 View FIGURES 131–137 ) and embolus (large sclerotized part with slender semitransparent projection; Figs. 133, 134 View FIGURES 131–137 ); from very similar S. bujongolo only by minor details of procursus tip (membranous part whitish rather than transparent; distal apophysis slightly longer), semitransparent embolar process (straight rather than curved), and female genitalia (longer anterior epigynal plate; border of anterior plate without whitish area separating pair of black structures at rim: Fig. 124 View FIGURES 115–130 ; pore plates much wider: Fig. 136 View FIGURES 131–137 ).

Male (holotype). Total body length 7.9, carapace width 2.8. Leg 1: 64.1 (16.5 + 1.2 + 16.5 + 26.3 + 3.6), tibia 2: 12.3, tibia 3: 9.7, tibia 4: 12.8; tibia 1 L/d: 53. Habitus as in Figs. 115 and 116 View FIGURES 115–130 . Carapace with wide median and lateral brown bands, clypeus with pair of wide brown bands, sternum dark brown, legs ochre-brown, femora and tibiae with darker subdistal rings, abdomen with distinct pattern dorsally and ventrally. Distance PME-PME 185 µm, diameter PME 230 µm, distance PME-ALE 175 µm, distance AME-AME 70 µm, diameter AME 160 µm. Ocular area slightly elevated, secondary eyes with small ‘pseudo-lenses’; deep thoracic pit. Chelicerae as in Figs. 123 View FIGURES 115–130 and 135 View FIGURES 131–137 , with one pair of lateral apophyses distally; each apophysis with one small modified hair at tip ( Figs. 160, 161 View FIGURES 155–168 ). Palps as in Figs. 119 and 120 View FIGURES 115–130 , coxa with indistinct bulge, trochanter barely modified, femur with retrolateral indentation but no distinct furrow, without proximal rim and without apophysis ( Fig. 155 View FIGURES 155–168 ), cymbium with long projection near tarsal organ, procursus with distinctive distal elements ( Figs. 131, 132 View FIGURES 131–137 , 155, 156 View FIGURES 155–168 ), bulb with complex embolus with two processes, one sclerotized, other mostly membranous ( Figs. 133, 134 View FIGURES 131–137 , 157, 158 View FIGURES 155–168 ). Legs without spines, few vertical hairs, with curved hairs ventrally and dorsally on all tibiae and metatarsi, also on femora 1 and 2, retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia 1 at 2%; prolateral trichobothrium present on tibia 1. Gonopore with two epiandrous spigots ( Fig. 159 View FIGURES 155–168 ); ALS with eight spigots each ( Fig. 162 View FIGURES 155–168 ).

Variation. Tibia 1 in 17 other males: 14.0–18.5 (mean 16.3).

Female. In general similar to male; tibia 1 in 29 females: 11.6–17.3 (mean 14.5). Epigynum anterior plate roughly triangular, without pockets; arc-shaped posterior plate ( Figs. 124, 125 View FIGURES 115–130 , 164 View FIGURES 155–168 ); internal genitalia as in Figs. 126 View FIGURES 115–130 and 136 View FIGURES 131–137 . ALS as in male ( Fig. 163 View FIGURES 155–168 ).

Distribution. Widely distributed at higher elevations (mostly between 2000 and 3000 m a.s.l.) in central and western Kenya ( Fig. 58 View FIGURE 58 ).

Material examined. KENYA: Eastern Prov.: Mt. Kenya N.P., Chogoria Forest , ‘site 1’: 1♂ holotype above GoogleMaps ; same data, 4♂ 5♀ in ZFMK (Ar 8496) GoogleMaps ; same data, 2♀ in pure ethanol in ZFMK (Ken 110) GoogleMaps ; Chogoria Forest , ‘site 2’ (0°14.2’S, 37°34.0’E), 1950 m a.s.l., 27.i.2010 (B.A. Huber), 3♂ 8♀ in ZFMK (Ar 8497) GoogleMaps ; same data, 1♀ in pure ethanol in ZFMK (Ken 118). GoogleMaps Ol Donyo Sabuk N.P. (1°08.1’S, 37°15.4’E), 2070 m a.s.l., 26.i.2010 (B.A. Huber), 1♂ 1♀ 1 juv. in ZFMK (Ar 8498). GoogleMaps Central Prov. : Mt. Kenya , Mau Mau Cave (0°13.0’S, 37°08.2’E), 2230 m a.s.l., 28.i.2010 (B.A. Huber), 3♂ 7♀ in ZFMK (Ar 8502) GoogleMaps ; same data, 1♀ in pure ethanol in ZFMK (Ken 116) GoogleMaps ; Mt. Kenya N.P., Naro Moru Forest , under bridge (0°10.6’S, 37°12.0’E), 2800 m a.s.l., 29.i.2010 (B.A. Huber), 1♂ 1♀ in ZFMK (Ar 8499). GoogleMaps Rift Valley : Mt. Elgon N.P., under bridge near Kitum Cave (1°01.8’N, 34°45.4’E), 2410 m a.s.l., 31.i.2010 (B.A. Huber), 1♂ in ZFMK (Ar 8500). GoogleMaps Mt. Elgon N.P., Kitum Cave (1°01.8’N, 34°45.4’E), 2410 m a.s.l., deep in cave, 31.i.2010 (B.A. Huber), 5♂ 5♀ in ZFMK (4♂ 4♀, Ar 8501) and NMKE (1♂ 1♀) GoogleMaps ; same locality (“ Kitumi Cave ”), 24.ii.1971 (Kock), 1♀ 1 juv. in SMF. GoogleMaps Endebess, R. Suam [1°04.5’N, 34°50.6’E], riverine forest, 2000 m a.s.l., 7.viii.1972 (Murphy), 1♀ in CJFM (1656 part). GoogleMaps Mau Escarpment between Kericho and Molo, forest fragment near road (0°14.3’S, 35°32.7’E), 2130 m a.s.l., 4.ii.2010 (B.A. Huber), 2♂ 1♀ in ZFMK (Ar 8503) GoogleMaps ; same data, 1♀ in pure ethanol in ZFMK (Ken 136) GoogleMaps .


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


National Museum of Kenya


Forschungsinstitut und Natur-Museum Senckenberg













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