Sorindeia grandifolia Engl.

Breteler, F. J., 2003, The African genus Sorindeia (Anacardiaceae): A synoptic revision, Adansonia (3) 25 (1), pp. 93-113 : 103-105

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Sorindeia grandifolia Engl.


5. Sorindeia grandifolia Engl. View in CoL

Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26, Beibl. 26: 7 (1890); Exell, Cat. Vasc. Pl. S. Tomé: 144 (1944); Keay in Hutch. & Dalziel, Fl. West Trop. Afr., ed. 2, 1: 738 (1958). — Type: Quintas 67, Sao Tomé, Angolares, fl. Jan. (holo-, COI n.v.; iso-, K). Sorindeia acutifolia Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26, Beibl .

26: 6 (1890). — Type: Moller s.n., Sao Tomé, fl.b .

(holo-, COI n.v.).

Sorindeia schweinfurthii Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 36: 220 (1905); Andrews, Flow. Pl. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 2: 351 (1952). — Type: Schweinfurth 100, Sudan, Dar Fertit, fl. Jan. (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Le Testu 3647, Central African Republic, between Yalinga and Said Bandassi, fl. Jan. (P, iso-, WAG).

Sorindeia warneckei Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 36: 221 (1905); Keay in Hutch. & Dalziel, Fl. West Trop. Afr. , ed. 2, 1: 738 (1958); Aubréville, Fl. For. Côte d’Ivoire, ed. 2, 2: 206 (1959). — Type: Warnecke 52, Togo, Lomé, fl., fr. Feb. (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, K, designated here; isolecto-, BR, L, P, Z).

Sorindeia zenkeri Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 36: 20 (1905); Van der Veken, Fl. Congo & Ruanda- Urundi 9: 101 (1960). — Type: Zenker 528, Cameroun, Yaoundé, fl. Dec. (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, K, designated here).

Sorindeia ledermannii Engl. & Krause, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 336 (1911). — Type: Ledermann 1809, Cameroun, Djutitsa, fl. Dec. and Ledermann 2075, Cameroun, between Ntem & Ngom, fl. Jan. (syn-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Jacques-Félix 3131, Cameroun, Mbapit Mt. , fl. Feb. (P; iso-, WAG).

Sorindeia protioides Engl. & Krause, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 336 (1911). — Type : Ledermann 1986, Cameroun, Babessi , fl. Dec., Ledermann 2209, Cameroun, Banjo , fl. Jan., Ledermann 2680, Cameroun, Tchape , fl. Feb., and Ledermann 5477, Cameroun, Ngaoundéré, fl.b. Oct. (syn-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): W.J. de Wilde c.s. 3996, Cameroun, 10 km S of Meiganga, fl. Nov. (WAG; iso-, BR, K).

Sorindeia schroederi Engl. & Krause, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 335 (1911). — Type : Schröder 211, Togo, now in Ghana, near Ho, fl. Feb. (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Jenik & Hall 1109, Togo Hills, Shiare, Dec. (K).

Sorindeia longipetiolulata, Engl. View in CoL & v. Brehmer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 309 (1917). — Type: Ledermann 1356, Cameroun, Bare, fl. Nov. (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Leeuwenberg 9265, Cameroun, Manengouba Mts., fl. Jan. (WAG; iso-, B, BR, C, FHI, HBG, M, MO, P, PRE, UPS, USC, YA).

Sorindeia reticulata Engl. View in CoL & v. Brehmer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 310 (1917). — Type: Ledermann 1279, Cameroun, Bare, fl. Nov. (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): W.J. de Wilde c.s. 2330, Cameroun, Bamena, fr. Apr. (WAG; iso-, BR, K, P, YA).

Shrub or tree to 30 m tall and 45 cm d.b.h., or liana or lianescent shrub. The branches may exude a little white latex. Branches and leaf axis (sub)glabrous to pubescent. Leaves (1-)3-7(-9)- foliolate; folioles opposite or subopposite, papery to coriaceous, ± elliptic, (3-)10-20(-30) × (2-)4- 8(-15) cm, with 8-13(-15) pairs of main lateral nerves, midrib prominent on upper side, the collecting nerve distinct or not, (sub)glabrous to pubescent, rounded to cuneate at base, usually acuminate at apex. Flowers (Oct.-Mar.) in ± narrow panicles up to 60 cm long, axillary or on the older wood or stem below the leaves, glabrous to puberulous, the indumentum not extending beyond the articulation in the pedicel (upper part of pedicel and calyx glabrous). Calyx lobes broadly rounded, thin-edged. Petals imbricate. Stamens 13-17 in the male flowers, female flowers with 5-10 staminodes, pistil glabrous. Fruits (Dec.-May) subellipsoid, (10-)15-25 × 8-15 mm, glabrous, orange (red?) at maturity, ± ribbed when immature, smooth when ripe. — Figs. 1C View Fig , 2A View Fig , 3D View Fig , 7. View Fig

HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Rain forest and gallery forest. Alt. up to 1600 m, from Guinea to Southern Sudan, also in Saô Tomé.

SELECTED SPECIMENS. — BENIN: Adjanohoun 341, Ouidah, ster. Sep. (K, P); Aké Assi 12309, Bassila, fl. Dec. (K); Chevalier 23039, Ketou, fl.b. Feb. (P); Chevalier 23455, Ouidah, fr. Apr. (K, P); van Eijnatten 2206, Porto Novo, fl. Nov. (WAG). — CAMEROUN: Asonganyi 163, Nanga Eboko, (P); Bates 1708 , Bitye, fl. Jan. (FHO, K, P); Brenan & Onochie 9464, Barombi Lake, fl. Mar. (BM, BR, FHO, K, P); Breteler 1069, Bétaré Oya, fr. Feb. (BR, K, P, WAG); Breteler et al. 2229, Fébé Mt., fl. Dec. (B, BR, P, WAG); Brunt 304, W of Bamessi, fr. Apr. (K); Cable et al. 1118, Kupé Mt., fr. Feb. (WAG); J.J. de Wilde, Nkoumvone, fr. Feb. (MO, WAG); W. de Wilde 1828, 15 km S of Eséka, fr. Feb. (WAG); W. de Wilde 2330, Bamena, fr. Apr. (BR, K, P, WAG); W. de Wilde 3996, 10 km S of Meiganga, fl. Nov. (BR, K, WAG): W. de Wilde 4357, Tison Lake, fl.b. Nov. (WAG); Jacques-Félix 3131, Mbapit Mt., Feb. (P, WAG); Leeuwenberg 7412, between Ebaka and Belabo, fr. Dec. (K, MO, P, WAG); Leeuwenberg 9265, Manengouba Mts., fl. Jan. (BR, HBG, P, UPS, WAG); Letouzey 3151, Djal, Feb. (BR, HBG, K, P, WAG); Letouzey 3480, Tambera Mt., fl. Feb. (P, WAG); Letouzey 5612, Mang, 50 km ENE Lomié, fl. Aug. (P); Letouzey 13209, Nkambe, fl.b. Nov. (P); Letouzey 13538, Ejaham Lake, fr. May (P, WAG); Letouzey 13597, 45 km SW Mamfe, fr. May (K, P); Nkongmeneck 295, Nyabidi, fr. Apr. (P); Raynal 10666, Banda, fr. Apr. (P); Thomas 4529, Takamanda F.R., fl. Mar. (MO); Zenker 528, Yaoundé, fl.b. (K). — CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Descoings 12562, fl. Jan. (P); Le Testu 3647, between Yalinga and Saïd Bandassi, fl. Jan. (P, WAG); Tisserant 459, Bambari, Feb. (P); Tisserant 3009, Bozoum, fl. Jan. (BM, P). — CONGO (Kinshasa): Bequaert 2015, Avakubi, fl.b. Jan. (BR); Ewango 504, Epulu, fl. Feb. (WAG); Gérard 2071, Tukpwo, fl.b. Dec. (BR, K); Lebrun 2168, between Banzyville and Yaokoma, fl.b. Feb. (BR, K, P); Lebrun 2445, Bondo, fl.b. Mar. (BR, K, MO); Lebrun 2609, Buta, ster. Apr. (BR, L). — COTE D’ IVOIRE: Adam 27148, Odienné, fr. May (MO); Aubréville 811, Fetekro, Jan. (P); Chevalier 17933, fr. May (P); J.J. de Wilde 826, Adiopodoumé, fl.b. Nov. (BR, P, WAG); J.J. de Wilde 3318, Soubré, fl. Nov. (BR, P, WAG). — GHANA: Adams 3542, Legon Hill, fl.b. Nov. (K); Brown 785, Aburi, fl.b. Nov. (K); Harris s.n., Kintampo, fl. Nov. (K); Jenik & Hall 1109, Togo Hills, Shiare, Dec. (K); Jongkind 2038, Brong-Ahafo, fr. Feb. (BR, MO, UPS, WAG); Merello et al. 1489, Digya Nat. Park, fl. Apr. (BR, MO, WAG); Vigne 1488, Amentia, Dec. (FHO); Vigne 4818, Axim, fl. Nov. (FHO). — GUINEA: Adam 11786, Dalaba, fr. Apr. (MO); Schnell 4793, Mali, ster. Mar. (P). — NIGERIA: Ariwaodo et al. FHI 94769, Manu-Gambari, Mar. (MO); Dalziel 1066, Lagos, fl. Oct. (K); Emwiogbon FHI 44761, Mamu F.R., fr. Mar. (K, MO); Jones FHI 5034, Umueze, Feb. (K); Keay FHI 14167, Ibadan, fl.b. Nov. (K); Latilo FHI 40907, Calabar, fr. Mar. (K); Latilo FHI 45807, Oban Group F.R., Feb. (K); Latilo FHI 47421, Zaria, fr. Apr. (K, WAG); Okafor & Emwiogbon FHI 66044, Izicha, fl. Feb. (WAG); Onochie FHI 27141, Benin, fr. Feb. (K); Sharland 365, Kagoro, fr. Mar. (K); Wit 1063, Oba Hill, fl.b. Dec. (WAG). — SAO TOMÉ: Chevalier 14210, Port Allègre, fl.b. July (BR, G, K, P, WAG); Mann s.n., s.loc., fl.b. (K); Quintas 67, Angolares, fl. Jan. (K). — TOGO: Breteler (Equipe) 32, Ouatchidomé, ster. Sep. (WAG); Ern 2324, 15 km NE Tsevié, fl. Nov. (K, P); Warnecke 52, Lomé, fl. (BR, K, L, P, Z).

NOTES. — As Sorindeia grandifolia may flower and produce fruits in shaded conditions as well as with full exposure, specimens show a great variation in morphology, which is reflected by the large number of synonyms. This variation concerns the habit, from tree to liana, the indumentum of the branches, leaves, and inflorescences, as well as the size of the leaflets and their number of lateral nerves. The size of the inflorescence is also variable, from 5 to 60 cm long, and also its position from axillary to cauliflorous. The possession of imbricate petals is, however, a stable character.

The neotypes for S. ledermanni , S. protioides , S. schroederi , S. longipetiolulata , and S. reticulata have been chosen from the areas where the original type material was collected. For S. schweinfurthii a specimen from a neighbouring country had to be chosen as there was no specimen available from Sudan.


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of Coimbra Botany Department


Royal Botanic Gardens














Sorindeia grandifolia Engl.

Breteler, F. J. 2003

Sorindeia longipetiolulata

Brehmer 1917: 309

Sorindeia reticulata

Brehmer 1917: 310
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