Spilomena capatrata Bashir & Ma, 2021

Bashir, Nawaz Haider, Ma, Li & Li, Qiang, 2021, Taxonomic study of Spilomena (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) with a new species and five new records from China, Zoologia (e 55803) 38, pp. 1-7 : 4-6

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.38.e55803

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scientific name

Spilomena capatrata Bashir & Ma

sp. nov.

Spilomena capatrata Bashir & Ma , sp. nov.

Figs 1–9

http://zoobank.org/ 3853C507-1397-4B3D-A0ED-5DE0440C1462

Type material. Holotype: female, China: Yunnan, Luchun County, Fenshuiling , 22°59’N, 102°27’E, 1900–1980 m, 25.VII.2003, coll. Peng Wang ( YNAU) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 3 females, China: Ningxia, Liupan Mountain, Hongxia Forest farm, 35°46’N, 106°11’E, 1.VII.2008, 1900 m, #201004812, 201004805, 201004839, coll. Jingxian Liu ( YNAU) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, China: Ningxia, Jingyuan County, Liupan Mountain, Heshanpu Forest farm, 35°40’N, 106°14’E, 26. VI GoogleMaps .2008, #201004920, coll. Jingxian Liu ( YNAU) .

Diagnosis. This species differs from Spilomena beata Blüthgen, 1953 by the following features: free margin of clypeus deeply emarginated mesally; vertex behind ocelli with sparse and fine punctures; anterior groove of scutellum crenulate; posterior area of mesopleuron with long, longitudinal rugae; metapleuron shiny and smooth; propodeal enclosure carina absent; upper lateral surface of propodeum with dense, slender and oblique longitudinal rugae, lower area reticulate; midtibial spur long (greater than or equal to midocellus diameter); G3–6 dull, slightly coriaceous; basal third of S2 with a much narrowed and transverse groove, deeply impressed, divided into two distinct parts; pygidial area inconspicuous. Spilomena beata has the following characters: free margin of clypeus nearly truncate, slightly emarginate at middle; vertex behind ocelli with dense and coarse punctures; anterior groove of scutellum without crenulation (just like a simple line); posterior area of mesopleuron with short, longitudinal rugae; metapleuron dull, with dense and coarse punctures; propodeal enclosure with complete slender carina; anterior and medial lateral surface of propodeum with dense and slender longitudinal striations, and irregular reticulation posteriorly; midtibial spur relatively short (less than midocellus diameter); G4–6 coarsely coriaceous; S2 without groove, shallowly impressed; pygidial area narrow and short (wider than long).

Description. Female ( Figs 1–9): Body length 2.4–2.9 mm.

Colour pattern. Body black except: mandible reddish-brown on apex, palpi and forewing veins fulvous, tegula dark brown, fore- and midlegs mostly dark brown except tibia and tarsus fulvous to reddish-brown, hind tibia reddish brown except basal third and tarsus fulvous, setae on clypeus and mandible silvery.

Head. Mandible bidentate apically, teeth acute, outer tooth larger than inner; setae on mandible sparse, long on apex ( Fig. 1); labrum with two finger-like tubercles apically; clypeus shiny mesally, strongly convex, with dense and slender longitudinal rugae; free margin of clypeus slightly prominent, emarginate on middle ( Fig. 1); setae on clypeus scattered, long apically; lower and median frons dull, with a sturdy frontal carina, extending up to clypeal line, coarsely coriaceous ( Fig. 1); upper frons dull, coarsely coriaceous, with sparse and coarse punctures; ocellar area flat, with sparse and coarse punctures, coarsely coriaceous ( Fig. 2); vertex behind ocelli dull, distinctly coriaceous mixed with sparse and fine punctures ( Fig. 2); gena dull, coarsely coriaceous, with sparse and fine punctures; head from above with temples roundly convergent posteriorly; occipital carina absent ( Fig. 2). Ratio of HW: HLD: HLF = 46: 20: 40; HWmax: HWmin = 46: 31; EWd: EW: TW: EL = 9: 12: 13: 28; AOD: WAS: IAD = 8: 3: 8; PO D: OOD: OCD: IODc: IODv: IODmin = 5: 11: 7: 30: 31: 30; LS: LP: LFI: WFI: LFII: WFII = 18: 6: 3.5: 3: 3: 3.

Mesosoma. Mesoscutum mat, distinctly coriaceous, with dense and coarse punctures ( Fig. 3); mesoscutellum dull, slightly coriaceous, with coarse and dense punctures; anterior groove of mesoscutellum crenulate ( Fig. 3); metanotum slightly coriaceous, with sparse and fine punctures; mesopleuron dull, coarsely coriaceous, with sturdy, dense and long longitudinal


rugae posteriorly ( Fig. 5); metapleuron shiny and smooth; propodeal enclosure U-shaped, without propodeal carina, extensively areolate-rugose and rugulose, with two longitudinal irregular ridges anteromesally ( Fig. 4); posterior lateral and medial surface of propodeum with irregular and dense rugae, posterior area with short median longitudinal rugae and several slender, transverse rugae; propodeal side with dense, slender and oblique longitudinal rugae dorsoposterioly, lower area with dense and slender reticulation ( Fig. 5).

Legs. Midtibial spur long (greater than or equal to midocellus diameter), outer surface of hind tibia without spines.

Metasoma. Petiole inconspicuous ( Fig. 7); S1 basally with 2–3 strong keels ( Fig. 8); G1 and G2 shiny and not punctate, 3–6 dull, slightly coriaceous, with sparse and fine punctures ( Fig. 6); S2 divided into two distinct parts ( Fig. 8) and basal third with a very narrow and transverse groove, deeply impressed; pygidial area inconspicuous.

Male. Unknown.

Distribution. China (Yunnan, Ningxia).

Etymology. The specific epithet, capatrata , is derived from the Latin words cap - (= head) and atrata (= black), referring to the totally black head.


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