Spintherophyta thoracica ( Jacoby, 1881 )

Sublett, Clayton A. & Cook, Jerry L., 2021, A Comprehensive Revision of the Genus Metaparia Crotch, 1873 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae) and Description of a New Genus, The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (4), pp. 779-811 : 805-806

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Spintherophyta thoracica ( Jacoby, 1881 )


Spintherophyta thoracica ( Jacoby, 1881) , reinstated combination

( Figs. 59, 60 View Figs )

Noda thoracica Jacoby 1881: 116 .

Spintherophyta cyanea Lefèvre 1884: 193 .

Spintherophyta cyanea : Lefèvre 1885: 6.

Spintherophyta thoracica : Jacoby 1890: 203 [species synonymized with S. cyanea , transferred to Spintherophyta View in CoL ].

Metaparia thoracica : Flowers 1996: 42 [species transferred to Metaparia View in CoL ].

Type Specimen. Lectotype here designated, male glued to a card: labeled “ GUANAJUATO // Mexico./ Salle Coll.//456//B.C.A./203.5.//N. thoracic/ca. Jac. [handwritten on blue paper]//SYN-TYPE [circular label outlined in blue]”; deposited in the BMNH.

Redescription. In dorsal view subrectangular, convex, in dorsal view subtruncate posteriorly ( Figs. 59, 60 View Figs ). Length 3.15–3.76 mm (males) or 2.90–3.89 mm (females). Width 2.05–2.41 mm (males) or 1.95–2.61 mm (females). Dorsum metallic blue, green, or blue-green; venter metallic green, cupreous; femora red-brown in basal 1/2, metallic green or blue-green in apical 1/2; tibia and tarsi metallic green or blue-green to red-brown with cupreous sheen; antennomeres 1–6 light brown, antennomeres 7–11 dark red-brown or black. Head: IOR 1.55–1.76 (males) or 1.49–1.84 (females). Frons punctate-setose, space between punctures microsculptured; punctures coarse, small, medium dense, some dorsal and dorsolateral punctures stretched. Clypeus punctate-setose, space between punctures microsculptured, form steeply arched, apex gradually narrowed in apical 1/4, apex emarginate; punctures coarse, small, dense; emargination arched. Mandibles punctate-setose and blue-green in basal 1/2, smooth and red-brown in apical 1/2. Lateral and dorsal faces flat. Mandibles bent at ca. 90°. Eyes shallowly emarginate anteriorly, flat posteriorly, dorsally margined with a groove; dorsal groove with single seta. Antennomere 1 cylindrical, antennomeres 7–11 rectangular, longer than wide. Pronotum: Pronotal ratio 0.58–0.67 (males) or 0.62–0.71 (females). Disc transversely convex, punctate-setose, space between punctures microsculptured; punctures small, dense, coarse; setae short. Anterior edge broadly, shallowly emarginate, margined with bead. Sides subparallel in basal 1/2, evenly rounded in apical 1/2, margined with bead. Posterior edge margined with row of deep punctures. Scutellar shield: Semi-ovular, base weakly concave, disc microsculptured. Elytra: Disc punctate-striate, setose, space between punctures smooth; punctures large, dense, coarse; setae short, originating in punctures; striae confused basally, more distinct towards apex. Basal calli not prominent, smooth, impunctate. Costae present between 2 nd and 3 rd striae in apical 1/4 and sublaterally just posterior to basal calli; costae end in umbone at apex. Elytral suture margined with bead in apical 1/2; bead narrowing apically. Epipleural fold visible, narrowing apically, margined with bead; outer bead projecting laterally. Venter: Prosternal lateral arms weakly convex, tapering along hypomeron, not connecting with pronotum, disc punctate-setose, rugulose; punctures oblong. Prosternum margined with bead, disc rugulose-setose, anterior and posterior margins straight, sides concave. Ventrites setose, setae longer medially. Pygidium: Disc with triangular medial depression, apicolateral edges margined with groove, disc halves sparsely punctate-setose. Legs: Femur with apical half coarsely punctate. Protibia setose with 2 dorsal, 1 lateral (on each side), and 2 ventral carinae; dorsal carinae complete to tibial apex, lateral and ventral carinae extend 1/2 tibia length; setae in single line between dorsal carinae and dorsal and lateral carinae, setae in continuous patch on lateral and ventral tibial faces. Protibial apex margined with stout setae. Meso- and metatibiae setose with 3 dorsal, 1 lateral (on each side), and 2 ventral carinae; dorsal carinae complete to apex, middle carina faint, lateral and ventral carinae extend 1/2–3/4 tibia length; setae as in protibia. Meso- and metatibia apex margined with stout setae. All tibiae expanded apically; pro- and mesotibiae weakly curved ventrally, metatibia nearly straight. Pro- and mesotarsomere 1 enlarged. Aedeagus: Median lobe evenly rounded, sides subparallel, apex truncate, emarginate; emargination broadly, shallowly V-shaped. Spermatheca: Unknown.

Specimens Examined. 13 specimens deposited in the BMNH and CAS. MEXICO: Colima: Tonila (2 BMNH) . Guerrero: Chilpancingo (1 BMNH) . Michoacán: Morelia (1 BMNH, 3 CAS); Tacambaro (4 BMNH) . Mexico (1 BMNH) ; no locality (1 BMNH).

Distribution. Mexico (Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán).

Temporal Occurrence. Unknown.

Remarks. We are returning S. thoracica to Spintherophyta because the holotype and all specimens examined have an IOR less than 2.00, the male mandibles are not enlarged, and the apical emargination of the median lobe does not have the basal corners sharply defined, all of which are character states of Spintherophyta . Jacoby (1881) even remarked that he saw little difference between the sexes.

Jacoby (1881) commented that he was viewing only two specimens, a male and a female, but he did not designate one as the primary type. There is one male specimen in the BMNH bearing the locality labels “ GUANAJUATO // Mexico./Salle Coll.”, and a syntype label. There is no publication record validating the type designation. Since the locality labels on the BMNH specimen match the locality given in the original description, we are designating it as the lectotype .


California Academy of Sciences














Spintherophyta thoracica ( Jacoby, 1881 )

Sublett, Clayton A. & Cook, Jerry L. 2021

Metaparia thoracica

Flowers, R. 1996: 42

Spintherophyta thoracica

Jacoby, M. 1890: 203

Spintherophyta cyanea

Lefevre, E. 1885: 6

Spintherophyta cyanea Lefèvre 1884: 193

Lefevre, E. 1884: 193

Noda thoracica

Jacoby, M. 1881: 116
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF