Spiriverpa bella (Kröber), Krober

Webb, Donald W., 2005, A revision of the Holarctic genus Spiriverpa Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae), Zootaxa 816, pp. 1-56 : 20-24

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scientific name

Spiriverpa bella (Kröber)


Spiriverpa bella (Kröber) View in CoL

bella Kröber View in CoL (1914:64 orig. desc.), Cole (1923:101 redesc., 1965:353 cat.) ( Thereva View in CoL ); Irwin and Lyneborg (1981a:216 listing, comb. change) ( Spiriverpa View in CoL ). Type locality Riverside, Massachusetts, USA. Holotype male in MCZ.

bella nigrimana Kröber (1914:64 orig. desc.) ( Thereva View in CoL ); Irwin and Lyneborg (1981a:216 listing, comb. change) ( Spiriverpa View in CoL ). Type locality Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Holotype male in MCZ. New Synonymy.

nigrimana (Kröber), Cole (1965:353 cat.) ( Thereva View in CoL ).

The holotype male of Thereva bella Kröber was compared with the holotype male of Thereva bella nigrimana Kröber and determined to be conspecific based on the shared characters of the epandrium in lateral view being bluntly pointed, the halteres and femora being yellow, and the distiphallus in lateral view being curved ventrally. Kröber erected this subspecies based on the abdomen being more silver than gold and the forefemora being reddish brown rather than yellow. Both of these characters are variable in S. bella .

Diagnosis. Like S. cinerascens and S. senex Walker, 1848 in having the male ommatidia of uniform size; halter knob pale yellow; inner gonocoxal setae yellow; ventral apodeme extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ); female common duct longer than furca (as in Fig. 33 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ); spermathecal ducts originating from posterolateral margins of spermathecal sac (as in Fig. 33 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ). Like S. senex in having the setae on the male and female frons and parafacial white; and the gonostylus lacking basodorsal spines. It differs from S. senex in having the femora dark yellow; the ventral lobe ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) with fine ventral setae; the setae on female mesonotum pale gold; and lacking setae on the median lobe of female tergite 9.

Redescription of male.

Morphometric variation (n=10).

Body Length 8.0–10.2, 9.3 mm

Head. Length 1.00–1.32, 1.20 mm. Ommatidia of uniform size. Frons pruinescence white, dense; setae white. Antenna dark reddish brown, basal half of first flagellomere yellowish brown, scape pruinescence silver, dense, antenna/head length 0.80–0.96, 0.87; scape length 0.32–0.40, 0.35 mm, length/width 1.8–2.6, 2.3, scape/pedicel length 2.8–4.0, 3.4, scape/flagellum width 0.6–0.9, 0.8, setae whitish yellow; pedicel length 0.08–0.12, 0.08 mm, length/width 0.6–0.9, 0.7; flagellum length 0.44–0.68, 0.59 mm, length/width 2.1–4.6, 3.3, flagellum/scape length 1.4–1.9, 1.7. Parafacial setae white. Maxillary palpus cuticle pale brown; length 0.52–0.72, 0.61 mm, length/width 6.5–10.7, 7.6; setae white.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum pruinescence gray, dense; dorsocentral vitta dull brown with faint brown median stripe; dorsolateral vittae dull black; setae black intermixed with white setae along lateral and anterior margins. Setae on postpronotal lobe white. Pleuron and scutellum pruinescence gray, dense; setae white with pale brownish yellow setae on laterotergite, metanepisternum and scutellum. Wing. Length 7.0– 9.6, 8.7 mm, length/width 2.8–3.4, 3.1; membrane opaque, pale grayish brown, veins dark yellow; pterostigma dark yellow; cell m3 closed, petiolate. Halter knob pale yellow, stalk dark reddish brown. Legs. Coxal setae white. Femora dark yellow (occasionally on some specimens the forefemur is reddish brown). Tibiae dark yellow. Tarsomere 1 dark yellow, 2–5 dark reddish brown.

Abdomen. Pruinescence white, dense; dorsal and lateral setae white to silver, often grading into gold. Tergites 2–5 with short anteromedial brown band. Terminalia . Dark yellow, pruinescence gray. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ), setae white, absent medially on posterior margin. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ), anterior margin expanded laterally, sides tapered posteriorly; setae pale yellow. Epandrium ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) quadrate, posterior margin yellow, glabrous, posterolateral margin extended as broad projection; lateral view ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) quadrate, tapered posteriorly to blunt median point. Gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) broad basally, tapering posteriorly to broad truncate projection, setae pale yellow becoming denser along medial margin; lateral view ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) rectangular, posterior margin truncate, inner gonocoxal process reddish brown, narrow, apex clavate, ending distal to posterior margin of gonocoxite, apical setae yellow; ventral lobe ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) with fine ventral setae. Gonostylus lacking basodorsal spines. Aedeagus with ventral apodeme ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) broad, clavate, anterior margin rounded, extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus lateral view ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) extending posteriorly in broad curve; ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ), in cross­section flattened dorsoventrally.

tion). 31. Aedeagus, ventral view. 32. Aedeagus, left lateral view. 33. Female internal reproductive organs

(MEI 009224). Scale= 0.1 mm.

Redescription of female.

Similar to male except as follows. Morphometric variation (n=10).

Body length 8.6–12.0, 10.1 mm

Head. Length 1.12–1.32, 1.25 mm. Frons pruinescence grayish brown, silver ventrally with small brown oval area dorsolaterally; setae dark reddish brown on gray brown pruinescent area, white on silver pruinescent area and lateral to antennal socket. Antenna/head length 0.83–0.95, 0.91; scape length 0.36–0.42, 0.38 mm, length/width 2.1–2.7, 2.3, scape/ pedicel length 1.9–2.6, 2.1, scape/flagellum width 0.8–1.1, 0.9; pedicel length 0.09–0.12, 0.11 mm, length/width 0.6–0.8, 0.7; flagellum length 0.60–0.70, 0.64 mm, length/width 3.0–4.4, 3.5, flagellum/scape length 1.6–1.8, 1.7. Parafacial setae pale yellow. Maxillary palpus length 0.60–0.80, 0.66 mm, length/width 3.4–7.0, 5.5.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum pruinescence yellowish gray; setae black intermixed with gold, appressed setae. Setae on postpronotal lobe, pleuron, laterotergite and scutellum pale gold. Wing. Length 8.0–10.4, 9.4 mm, length/width 3.1–4.5, 3.5. Legs. Setae on coxae and femora pale yellowish gold.

Abdomen. Pruinescence gray dense, tergites 2–6 with anterior margin dark brown, extending posteromedially, covering one­third of tergites 2–3 and covering smaller area on tergites 4–6; dorsal and lateral setae pale gold. Terminalia . Medial lobe of tergite 9 dark brown, setae absent. Furca (as in Fig. 33 View FIGURES 18 – 33. 18 – 24 ) ovate, posterior margin with shallow median emargination, length 0.86 mm, width 0.44 mm; common spermathecal duct longer than furca; spermathecal ducts originate from posterolateral corners of spermathecal sac.

Biology. Spiriverpa bella has been handnetted and collected in Malaise traps in an old field, a second growth forest, a red maple swamp, and by baiting the Malaise trap with carbon dioxide (dry ice). Adults were collected between 4 June and 6 November.

Distribution. Spiriverpa bella has been collected from northwestern Georgia to New Hampshire west to Iowa and western Ontario ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 34 – 35. 34 ).

Specimens Examined. Type specimens. The holotype male of Thereva bella (MCZ Type Number 27051) was collected at "Riverside, VIII.9, Mass, C. W. Johnson collector" (not 8.IX as indicated by Kröber). The holotype male of Thereva bella nigrimana (MCZ Type Number 27052) was collected at Springfield, VII.13.04, Mass, C. W. Johnson collector. Other Specimens. CANADA. ONTARIO. Elgin, Springwater Conservation Area [Springwater Provincial Park] [44.433, ­79.767], 1.IX.1985, D. M. Wood, 1 female MEI 0 79618 (CNC); Thunder Bay [48.406, ­89.263], 25.VII.1939, Pauch, 1 male MEI 112567 (USNM). UNITED STATES. CONNECTICUT. Fairfield County: South Norwalk, Westview Lane [41.097, ­73.419], 8.VIII.1966, Howes, P. G., 2 males MEI 0 89340, 0 89342, 3 females 0 89339, 0 89341, 0 89343 (UCMS); Reddin [Redding] [41.303, ­73.384], 9.IX.1932, A. L. Melander, 2 females MEI 112706, 112708 (USNM); Stamford [41.053, ­ 73.539], 26.VII.1936, B. T. R. Lab., 1 female MEI 112569 (USNM). Hartford County: Southington, Lewis Farms [41.621, ­72.85], 29.VII.1987, C. T. Maier, 2 males MEI 078657­8 (CAES). Litchfield County: 3.4 km E Cornwall, Mohawk State Forest [41.814, ­73.291], 27–31.VIII.1984, C. T. Maier, 1 male MEI 111958 (CAES), Malaise trap; Canaan [42.027, ­73.33], 11.VIII.1930, 1 male YPM 105197 (PMNH). Middlesex County: Cockaponset State Forest, 4.8 km E Killingworth [41.358, ­72.521], 14– 15.VIII.1977, C. T. Maier, 1 female MEI 114491 (INHS); 19–20. VIII.1977, 1 female MEI 0 11201 (INHS); 22–26.VIII.1977, C. T. Maier, 1 female MEI 0 11326 (INHS); 30.VIII.1977, 1 male MEI 0 11287 (INHS). New Haven County: Meriden, 1 km NNE Junction of Thorpe Ave. and Fleming Road, High Hill Orchard [41.538, ­72.808], 160 m, 30.VIII–2.IX.1996, Maier, C. T., 1 male MEI 111961 (MEI), Malaise trap; 1.6 km S Mount Carmel [41.41, ­72.906], 13–7.VII.1979, C. T. Maier, 1 female MEI 0 78662 (CAES), Malaise trap; 13–17. VII.1979, 1 female MEI 0 78663 (CAES); 6–7.VI.1981 MEI 0 78647 (CAES), 2nd growth forest; 28–29. VII.1981, 1 female MEI 0 78652 (CAES); 30– 31. VII.1981, 2 males MEI 078650­1 (CAES); 1–2. VIII.1981, 1 male MEI 0 78644, 3 females MEI 0 78643, 078645­6 (CAES); 4–5. VIII.1982, 1 male MEI 0 78619, 2 females MEI 0 78618, 0 78620 (CAES); 5–6. VIII.1981, 2 females MEI 0 78640, 0 78642 (CAES); 6–7. VIII.1982, 4 males MEI 078614­7 (CAES); 8–9. VIII.1982, 1 female MEI 0 78613 (CAES); 9–10. VIII.1981, 2 females MEI 078638­9 (CAES); 10–11. VIII.1982, 2 females MEI 078611­2 (CAES); 11–12. VIII.1981, 1 male MEI 0 78637 (CAES); 12–13. VIII.1982, 1 female MEI 0 78610 (CAES); 13–14. VIII.1981, 2 females MEI 078635­6 (CAES); 15– 16. VIII.1981, 2 females MEI 078628­9 (CAES); 17–18. VIII.1981, 2 males MEI 0 78631, 0 78633, 2 females 0 78632, 0 78634 (CAES); 19–20. VIII.1981, 1 female MEI 0 78630 (CAES); 21–22. VIII.1981, 2 females MEI 078626­7 (CAES); 23–24. VIII.1981, 1 male MEI 0 78624, 1 female 0 78625 (CAES); 25–26. VIII.1981, 1 female MEI 0 78623 (CAES); 26–27. VIII.1982, 1 female MEI 0 78609 (CAES); 28–29. VIII.1982, 1 female MEI 0 78608 (CAES); 29–30. VIII.1981, 1 female MEI 0 78621 (CAES); 30–31. VIII.1982, 2 females MEI 078606­7 (CAES); 9–10. IX.1982, 1 female MEI 0 78604 (CAES); 12–13. IX.1981, 1 female MEI 0 78649 (CAES); 4 km NW jct. C­77 and C­80, 9–11.VIII.1983, C. T. Maier, 1 female MEI 0 78605 (CAES), Malaise trap, red maple swamp; Bethany, 1.IX.1975, C. L. Remington, 1 female YPM 104869 (PMNH); Guilford, 3 km S Junction of State Highways 77 & 80 [41.325, ­72.721], 70 m, 1–4.VIII.1997, C. T. Maier, 2 females MEI 111964, 111967 (CAES), Malaise trap; 16–17. VIII.1995, 2 males MEI 111960, 111963 (CAES); 3–5. IX.1996, 1 male MEI 111962 (CAES); 2–4. IX.1997, 1 male MEI 111966 (CAES); 5–8. IX.1997, 1 male MEI 111968 (CAES); 9–11. IX.1997, 1 male MEI 111959 (CAES); Guilford, Beaver Head Swamp, 4 km NNW Junction of State Highways 77 & 80 [41.386, ­72.735], 25.VII.1987, C. T. Maier, 1 male MEI 0 78656 (CAES); 28.VII.1991, 1 female MEI 0 78686 (CAES); Guilford, southern end of Lake Quonnipaug [41.384, ­72.7], 4.VIII.1985, C. T. Maier, 1 male MEI 0 78654, 1 female 0 78655 (CAES), Malaise trap, baited w/CO2 (dry ice); Hamden, by Mill River, on Tuttle Avenue [41.396, ­72.897], 29.VII.1987, C. T. Maier, 3 males MEI 078659­61 (INHS); Mount Carmel [41.424, ­ 72.91], 14.VIII.1945, M. E. Power, 1 male MEI 112570, 1 female 112571 (USNM); North Haven [41.391, ­72.86], 20.VII.1956, C. L. Remington, 1 male YPM 105189 (PMNH); 24.VII.1952, 1 male YPM 105198 (PMNH); 28.VIII.1968, H. E. Evans, 1 female MEI 0 80832 (MCZ); Sleeping Giant State Park [41.433, ­72.886], 23.VIII.1980, C. L. Remington, 1 female (YPM 105219 (PMNH); 29.VIII.1982, C. L. Remington, 1 male YPM 105185 (PMNH); Waterbury [41.555, ­73.039], 26.IX.1914, C. H. T. Townsend, 1 female MEI 112556 (USNM). Tolland County: Storrs [41.756, ­72.182], 14.IX.1974, Niederwerfer, 1 female MEI 125696 (UCMS); Tolland, Mansfield Hollow Dam [41.756, ­72.182], 5.VIII.1994, Ruth, L. W., 1 female MEI 0 89351 (UCMS). GEORGIA. Rabun County: Rabun Bald [34.966, ­83.3], 1433 m, 9.VIII.1957, W. R. Richards, 3 females MEI 125977­ 8, 125980 (CNC). IOWA. Boone County: Ledges State Park [42.000, ­93.874], 27.VIII.1971, R. M. Miller, 1 female MEI 126073 (ISUC). MASSCHUSETTS. Stony Brook, 1.VIII.1921, L. R. Taylor, 1 male MEI 0 12893 (UGCA); Stony Brook Res., 6.VIII.1987, Carpenter, J., Shaw, S, 1 female MEI 157431 (MCZ). Bristol County: Taunton [41.91, ­ 71.1], 14–19.VIII.1964, J. Matts, 1 male MEI 113174 (USNM). Essex County: Lynnfield [42.539, ­71.049], –. VII.1973, S. D. F., 1 female MEI 0 70697 (UMDE). Norfolk County: Sharon [42.119, ­71.184], 25.VIII. –, 1 female MEI 112558 (USNM). MICHIGAN. Ingham County: East Lansing [42.737, ­84.484], 5.IX.1960, G. Eickwort, 1 female MEI 113170 (USNM). MINNESOTA. Houston County: Beaver Creek Valley State Park [43.643, ­ 81.582], 21.VIII.1973, 1 female MEI 0 78409 (UMSP), Malaise trap. Nicollet County. Saint Peter [44.324, ­93.958], 23.VIII.1922, Holland, R. R., 1 female MEI 0 69813 (UMSP). Winona County: [43.983, ­91.867], 1.VIII.1951, 1 female MEI 0 12763 (UMSP). NEW HAMPSHIRE. Carroll County: N Conway [43.97, ­71.12],.VIII., J. Bequaert, 2 males MEI 125981­2 (CNC). NEW JERSEY. Bergen County: Englewood Cliffs [40.877, ­73.947], 27.VII.1930, 1 male MEI 112561 (USNM); 2.VIII.1962, S. J. Hessel, J. A. Woods, 1 male MEI 113015 (AMNH); Ridgewood [40.981, ­74.121], 30.VIII.1912, M. D. L., 2 males MEI 0 12915, 112559 (USNM), 1 female 112564 (MEI); West Englewood [40.902, ­74.004], 1 male MEI 0 80825 (MCZ). Essex County: Caldwell [40.84, ­74.277], 1 female MEI 0 80824 (MCZ). Morris County: Boonton [40.904, ­ 74.408], 23.VIII.1901, G. M. Greene, 1 female MEI 0 12917 (USNM); Mountain Lakes [40.895, ­74.433], 8.VIII.1925, A. L. Melander, 1 female MEI 112710 (USNM); Pompton Plains [40.968, ­74.296], 10–13.VIII.1987, D. Grimaldi, 2 females MEI 076037­8 (AMNH), Malaise trap. Union County: Westfield [40.659, ­74.348], 24.VIII.1956, G. H. Ferguson, 1 female MEI 125563 (WSU). Warren County: Delaware Water Gap [40.967, ­75.119], 15.VII.1958, 1 female MEI 0 80828 (MCZ). NEW YORK. Ramado Mountains, Lake Sabaco, 3.IX.1938, 1 female MEI 112563 (USNM); Long Island, Little Neck [40.761, ­73.745], 27.VIII.1958, J. K. Terres, 1 female MEI 112562 (USNM). Cattaraugus County. Otto [42.355, ­78.834], 28.VII.1882, 1 male MEI 0 75705 (CUIC). Erie County: Zoar Valley, 5.VIII.1947, L. L. Pechuman, 1 female MEI 0 12854 (CUIC). Genesee County: Tonawanda Indian Reservation [43.072, ­78.448], 4.VIII.1959, L. L. Pechuman, 1 female MEI 0 12853 (CUIC). Hamilton County: Snowy Mountain Trail, [Snowy Mountain] [43.7, ­74.386], 31.VII.1983, S. A. Marshall, 1 male MEI 0 78120 (DEBU). Nassau County: Millneck, Shu Swamp [40.878, ­73.566], 1.IX.1958, J. K. Terres, 1 male MEI 112560 (USNM). New York County: vicinity New York [40.717, ­74.017], – VIII.1930, G. P. Engelhardt, 1 female MEI 0 12805 (OSU). Orange County: Monroe [41.331, ­74.187], –. VIII.1942, D. Caisetta, 1 female MEI 0 11333 (INHS). Tuxedo [41.229, ­74.185], 18.VIII.1922, 1 male MEI 0 0 3771 (FSCA); Tuxedo, 26.VII.1928, C. H. Curran, 1 female MEI 0 0 3770 (FSCA). Orleans County: Medina [43.211, ­78.379], 22.VIII.1958, L. L. Pechuman, 1 female MEI 0 12851 (CUIC). Putnam County: E. Fahnstock Estate [Clarence Fahnestock Memorial State Park] [41.451, ­73.82], 12.VIII.1938, L. L. Pechuman, 1 male MEI 0 12852 (CUIC). Suffolk County: Caumsett State Park [40.929, ­73.467], 21.VIII. –, G. C. Eickwort, 1 male MEI 0 12860, 1 female 0 12859 (CUIC); Long Island, Baiting Hollow [40.954, ­72.756], 12.VIII.1923, 1 male MEI 0 70121 (NYSM). Tompkins County: Ithaca, Six Mile Creek [42.455, ­76.494], 28.VII.1937, P. P. Bably, 1 female MEI 0 12848 (CUIC). Ulster County: Rosendale [41.852, ­74.078], 18.VIII.1961, 1 male MEI 112566 (USNM); West Shokan, High Point Road [41.967, ­74.288], 6.VIII.1982, J. G. Franclemont, 1 female MEI 0 75556 (CUIC). NORTH CAROLINA. Haywood County: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, McKee Branch HQ [35.599, ­83.104], 16.VII–12.VIII.2002, Carlton, C., Gil, S., 1 female, MEI 141431 (GSNP); The Purchase [Purchase Knob] [35.585, ­83.063], 14.VIII.1996, C. R. Parker, 1 female MEI 135344 (GSNP); 19.VII–2.VIII.2001, Stocks, I. C., Pitz, K., 2 females MEI 138101­2 (MEI); Cataloochee [35.586, ­83.082], 2–20.VIII.2001, Parker, C. R., Stocks, I., 1 male MEI 147283, 1 female 137374 (GSNP), 2 females 138100, 138108 (INHS), Malaise trap. Jackson County: 31.VII.1957, H. V. Weems, Jr., 3 females MEI 003772­3 (FSCA), 112557 (USNM). Macon County: base of Wayah Bald [35.18, ­ 83.561], 11.VIII.1957, W. R. Richards, 1 female MEI 125979 (CNC); Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory [35.048, ­83.45], 2.IX.1972, A. G. Lavalee, 1 female MEI 0 12903 (UGCA). OHIO. Fairfield County: 15.VIII.1900, D. J. & J. N. Knull, 1 female MEI 123162 (OSU). Medina County : Hinckley [41.238, ­81.745], 17.VIII.1908, J. S. Hine, 2 females OSU 011203 ­4 (OSU). PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny County: Wilmerding [40.391, ­79.81], 244 m, 1.VIII –, 1 male MEI 125420, 1 female 125425 (CLEV); 13.VIII. –, 1 male MEI 125419 (CLEV); 23.VIII –, 1 male MEI 125423, 1 female 125428 (CLEV); 4.XI –, 1 male MEI 125422 (CLEV); 6.XI. –, 1 male MEI 125421, 1 female 125427 (CLEV). Armstrong County: 1 km S Templeton [40.917, ­79.461], 3.IX.1994, W. Zanol, 1 male MEI 133540 (CMNH). Beaver County: 9.7 km SW Darlington, on Route 168 [40.745, ­80.477], 28.IX.1972, M. A. Carter, 1 female MEI 126016 (CAS); 29.VIII.1975, 1 male MEI 141248 1 female 141348 (PSUC). Butler County: 1.VII.1991, R. Walters, 1 male MEI 123167 (UCMC); 5 km S Butler [40.816, ­79.896], 26–28.VIII –, Walters, 2 females MEI 123159 ­60, (UCMC); 21.VIII.1993, R. Walters, 1 female MEI 123166 (UCMC); Slippery Rock [41.064, ­80.057], 397 m, 22.VII.1994, J. B. Keiper, 1 female MEI 125426 (CLEV). Centre County: Pennsylvania State College [40.804, ­ 77.858], 20.VIII.1980, H. Adler, 1 female MEI 0 90377 (MEI); Scotia Barrens, Patton Township [40.833, ­77.917], 31.VII.1976, F. D. Fee, 1 female MEI 128432 (UCFC); 4.VIII.1976, 2 females MEI 128428, 128422 (UCFC); 24.VIII.1976, 1 female MEI 128426 (UCFC); 29.VII.1973, D. D. Wilder, 1 male MEI 126015 (CAS) 1.VIII.1980, F. D. Fee, 1 male MEI 128418 (UCFC); 6.VIII.1980, P. H. Adler, 1 male MEI 0 90347 (MEI), Malaise trap; 12.VIII.1980, 1 male MEI 0 90387 (MEI). Greene County: Moth Ridge, 6.4 km NE Ruff Creek [39.59, ­80.09], 420 m, 24.VIII.1994, J. E. Rawlins, 1 male MEI 133539 (CMNH); 1.IX.1994, J. E. Rawlings, S. Thompson, 1 female MEI 133545 (CMNH). Lycoming County: Hughesville [41.285, ­76.713], 5.IX.1956, E. B. Thurman, 1 female MEI 112565 (USNM). Warren County. 2.2 km NW Truemans [41.633, ­ 79.153], 520 m, 4.VIII.1994, Ricke, M. J., 1 female MEI 136811 (MEI), flight intercept trap. Washington County: Finleyville [40.252, ­80.003], 11.VIII –, 1 male MEI 0 78428 (CMNH). Westmoreland County: 3 km NE Lower Burrell [40.572, ­79.738], 8.VIII.1987, W. Zanol, 1 female MEI 0 78422 (CMNH); 28.VII.1987, 1 male MEI 0 78423 (CMNH); Jeannette, 1 male MEI 0 78421 (CMNH). TENNESSEE. Blount County: Great Smoky Mountains National Park [35.63, ­83.92], 4–18.VI.1997, J. Pickering, 2 females MEI 136817­8 (GSNP), Malaise trap; Cades Cove [35.608, ­83.826], 30.VII– 16.VIII.2001, Stocks, I. C., 2 females MEI 138099, 138107 (GSNP), Malaise trap, old field. Sevier County: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Brushy Mountain Trail [35.678, ­83.43], 1219 m, 24.VIII.1997, K. Langoon, 1 female MEI 135341 (GSNP); Roaring Fork, 4.VIII.1972, T. G. Marsh, 1 male MEI 154492 (TMC). WEST VIRGINIA. Hampshire County: Capon Bridge [39.298, ­78.436], 26.VIII.1962, W. W. Wirth, 1 female MEI 112722 (USNM). Hardy County: Lost River State Park [38.93, ­78.879], 11– 12.VIII.1979, S. E. Miller, 1 male MEI 125988 (LACM).















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