Stephanopogon sp.

Lee, Won Je, 2019, Small Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates from Marine Intertidal Sediments of the Sydney Region, Australia, Acta Protozoologica 58 (4), pp. 167-189 : 178

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Stephanopogon sp.


Stephanopogon sp.

Figs 1l, 2f View Fig

Description: Cells are 16–30 µm long and dorso-ventrally flattened with several rows of kineties. The ventral surface terminates anteriorly as three barbs. The cells move by crawling or swimming with flagella. Rarely observed.

Remarks: This genus contains 7 nominal species: S. apogon Borror, 1965 , S. colpoda Entz, 1884 , S. mesnili Lwoff, 1923 , S. minuta Lei et al., 1999 , S. mobilensis Jones et Owen, 1974 , S. paramesnili Lei et al., 1999 and S. pattersoni Lee et al., 2014 . This species is distinguished from Stephanopogon apogon by the barbs at the anterior end of the cell and is substantially smaller than Stephanopogon colpoda , Stephanopogon mesnili and Stephanopogon paramesnili . It can not be distinguished morphologically from other three species ( S. minuta , S. mobilensis , S. pattersoni ) under the light microscopy because all of them have barbs at the anterior end of the cell and they are similar in cell length. Recently, this genus was well documented by Yubuki and Leander (2008) and Lee et al. (2014).

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