Tachycampa clemenciae Sendra & García, 2016

Sendra, Alberto, Palacios, Jose, Garcia, Arturo & Montejo, Maira, 2016, New Species of Campodeidae (Diplura) from Mexican caves, Zootaxa 4072 (5), pp. 540-558 : 546-547

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scientific name

Tachycampa clemenciae Sendra & García

sp. nov.

Tachycampa clemenciae Sendra & García , new species

( Figs. 15‒17 View FIGURES 15 ‒ 17 )

Description. Body length 4.8 and 6.8 mm (two females, holotype included), 2.7 and 3.0 mm (two juveniles). Cerci missing on type specimens. Epicuticle with thin microspines; body with smooth clothing setae.

Antennae broken, longest fragment with 15 antennomeres. Sensillum of third antennomere subcylindrical, sharply pointed, located in ventral position between macrosetae d and e. Central antennomeres 2.4 times longer than wide. Gouge sensilla abundant, more than 16 sensilla in a single distal whorl. Frontal process slightly developed ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 15 ‒ 17 ), with smooth setae. Three macrosetae along line of insertion of antennae with the following relative lengths in 6.8-mm-long female holotype as a = 0.89, p = 0.85, i = 1, x setae not differentiated. Suboval labial palp with latero-external sensillum similar to semsillum of maxillary palp and third antennomere, plus two guard setae, 30 setae on anterior border and up to 160 neuroglandular setae in female paratype.

Distribution of macrosetae ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 15 ‒ 17 ): pronotum with 1+1 ma, 1+1 la, 1+1 lp; mesonotum with 1+1 ma and metanotum without macrosetae. All notal macrosetae long, well-developed with thin barbs along the distal half. Marginal setae longer and thicker than clothing setae, with thin barbs along the distal half. Legs slightly elongated, metathoracic legs reaching abdominal segment VIII. Femur III without dorsal macrochaetae. Tibia III with one short ventral macroseta barbed along the distal two-thirds. Calcars with long barbs along the distal two-thirds. Dorsal and lateral tarsal setae smooth. Subequal elbow-like lightly ridged claws ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15 ‒ 17 ) with smooth, well developed lateral crests. Telotarsal process smooth, setiform.

Distribution of abdominal macrosetae on tergites: 1+1 post VI–VII, 3+3 post VIII and 5+5 post IX. Urosternite I with 6+6 thick macrosetae with long barbs, urosternites II to VII with 4+4 macrosetae, urosternite VIII with 1+1 macrosetae. Apical setae with a basal tooth divided in two branches and with 2‒5 thin barbs distally, subapical setae and medial ventral setae with 1‒3 thin barbs. Cerci missing in type specimens.

Female urosternite I appendages subcylindrical and thick with two fields of 6 a1-glandular setae and 24 a2 - glandular setae in paratype 6.8 mm.

Type material. Holotype female, one female and two juvenile paratypes from “Grutas Karmidas”, 20° 00’ N, 97°42’ W, Puebla’s Sierra North limestone massif Puebla, México, 14 III 2009, A. García leg., mounted in Hoyer’s solution, deposited in UNAM.

Etymology. This species is dedicated to Clemencia Tellez Girón, Mexican student and coworker of the eminent Spanish entomologist Federico Bonet Marco, for her contribution to the cave Collembola of Mexico.

Remarks. Tachycampa clemenciae n. sp. differs from other Tachycampa species in the presence on the mesonotum of 1+1 (ma) medial-anterior macrosetae.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico













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