Tenuopus makarovi Grichanov, 2021

Grichanov, I. Ya., 2021, A new species of Tenuopus Curran, 1924 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tanzania, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (1), pp. 103-105 : 103-105

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.30.1.13

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scientific name

Tenuopus makarovi Grichanov

sp. nov.

Tenuopus makarovi Grichanov View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 1–6 View Figs 1–6 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ (dried from ethanol and mounted on pin), Tanzania: Morogoro Region, Udzungwa Mt. Nat. Park, Mito Mitatu , 7°50´22.7´´S, 36°50´42.8´´E, 1325 m, Malaise trap #3, 5.IV.2013, T. Pape & N. Scharff leg. ( ZMUC). GoogleMaps

DESCRIPTION. Male (somewhat discolorated). Head. Frons black, grey pollinose; one pair of short postvertical setae, shorter than uppermost postocular seta; upper postocular setae black, increasing in length upward; lateral and lower postoculars white; ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs; face silvery-white, 6 times as high as wide in middle, under antennae nearly as wide as postpedicel; clypeus bulging; antennae as long as height of head, yellow; pedicel projected distally on inner side, with a crown of short black setae, one of dorsal setae nearly as long as pedicel; postpedicel rounded-ovate, as long as high at base; arista-like stylus dorsal, with short hairs; length ratio of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylus, 9/5/13/79; palpus and proboscis short, yellow, covered with white hairs, proboscis also with a pair of black lateral setae.

Thorax. Pleura yellow; mesonotum orange, with narrow brown stripe along acrostichals, wider posteriorly and brown on scutellum dorsally; 6 dorsocentral setae with posterior pair shifted laterally; acrostichals in one regular row, strong, nearly reaching 5 th dorsocentrals; scutellum with 2 strong bristles and 2 short lateral hairs; proepisternum with 2 yellow setae.

Legs. Mostly yellow; segments 1–3 of fore tarsus mostly white; segments 1–3 at distal apex and last two segments of tarsi brown; fore and mid coxae with brown hairs anteriorly and 5–7 black apical bristles of various length; hind coxa with one long black outer bristle above middle; fore femur with short black erect ventral setae, longer at base and at apex, at most as long as diameter of femur; fore tibia simple, with 1 anterodorsal and 1 posterodorsal at base, 2 apical setae, elongate ventral hairs at base; segments 1–5 of fore tarsus with 2 lateral rows of short semi-erect setae, longer on segments 3–4; claws simple; mid femur with anterior preapical seta, with anteroventral row of black hairs on distal half, about as long as diameter of femur; mid tibia with 3 anterior, 3 posterodorsal, 4–5 short ventral, 4–5 apical setae; mid basitarsus with several short ventral setae; hind femur with 1 strong anterior preapical seta, 2 short posteroventral preapical setae; hind tibia with 4–5 anterior, 4 short posterodorsal, 3–4 apical setae. Femur, tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length ratio (in mm): fore leg: 1.33/1.59/1.29/0.64/ 0.58/0.42/0.21, mid leg: 1.64/2.31/1.48/0.6/0.43/0.25/0.15, hind leg: 1.86/3.17/0.78/0.93/0.51/0.32/0.14.

Wing. Greyish, almost hyaline, veins brown; subcosta very thin; ratio of part of costa between R 2+3 and R 4+5 to that between R 4+5 and M 1, 6/1; M 1 with gentle arc to apex, reaching costa right before wing apex; M 2 present as fold on membrane; crossvein dm-m nearly straight; ratio of crossvein dm-m to apical part of M 4, 0.35/0.76; anal vein foldlike, not reaching wing margin; anal angle obtuse; lower calypter yellow, with black apex and pale setae; halter yellow, halter stem thin and long, with dorsal and ventral groups of short hairs distally.

Abdomen. Mostly yellow, black setose; segments 1–3 brownish dorsally, segments 2–3 with narrow brown posteri- or edging; segment 6 glabrous; segment 8 and epandrium entirely yellow; segment 8 with short black setae; cercus brown, yellow at base; surstylus black; cercus covered with yellow hairs and setae; hypandrium small, simple; phallus thin and simple; 2 long epandrial lobes distally on each side; thin epandrial lobe weekly sclerotized; thick epandrial lobe strongly sclerotized, bifurcated from middle, with 2–3 setae at apex of each arm; surstylus shorter than cercus, cleft from distal third, with curved pointed lobes; cercus about 2/3 as long as epandrium, elongate-triangular, densely covered with long light setae, longer at apex.

Measurements (in mm, in ethanol). Body length 4.9, antenna length 1, wing length 4.4, wing width 1.3.

Female. Unknown.

ETYMOLOGY. The species is named in honour of the Russian entomologist, Dr. Kirill Makarov (Moscow University, Russia).


DIAGNOSIS. T. makarovi sp.n. belongs to a group of species with uniseriate acrostichals, being the closest to T. unicolor Becker, 1914 , differing from the latter in smaller size, male postpedicel not longer than high; cercus distinctly shorter than epandrium, elongate-triangular [ Grichanov, 2018], differing also in setation and length ratio of fore tarsomeres and morphology of hypopygial appendages (see key below). 5. Acrostichals strong, extending to posterior third of mesonotum; segments 3–5 of fore tarsus with rows of strong setulae ........................................................................ 5a — Acrostichals weak and restricted to anteriormost of mesonotum, or absent; at least segment 3 of fore tarsus without strong setulae .................................................. 7 5a. Fore basitarsus 2 times longer than segment 2; cercus shorter than epandrium; body 4.9 mm ...........................

........................................................... T. makarovi sp.n. — Fore basitarsus 1.3 times longer than segment 2; cercus 2

times longer than epandrium ....................................... 6

6. Postpedicel oval, longer than high; cercus band-like, almost evenly wide; body 6 mm ..................................... ............................................... T. unicolor Becker, 1914

— Postpedicel subtriangular, as long as high; cercus broadest in basal half; body 7 mm ........................................... ................................... T. shcherbakovi Grichanov, 1996

Acknowledgements. The author is sincerely grateful Dr. Thomas Pape (ZMUC) for his kindness in furnishing an opportunity to study the collections of his Museum. The work was supported by the All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection project No. 0665–2019–0014.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen













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