Tetragonoschema (Tetragonoschema) humerale Waterhouse, 1882

Bílý, Svatopluk, 2012, A revision of the genera Anilaroides Théry, 1934, stat. nov. and Tetragonoschema Thomson, 1857 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae: Anthaxiini), Zootaxa 3521, pp. 1-38 : 21-22

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Tetragonoschema (Tetragonoschema) humerale Waterhouse, 1882


Tetragonoschema (Tetragonoschema) humerale Waterhouse, 1882 View in CoL

( Figs. 14 View FIGURES 10 – 18 , 48 View FIGURES 46 – 54 , 59 View FIGURES 55 – 63. 55 – 57 , 80 View FIGURES 72 – 81 )

Tetragonoschema humeralis Waterhouse, 1882: 17 , pl. 2, fig. 1. Type locality: Mexico, San Geronimo, 3000 ft.

Tetragonoschema humeralis: Kerremans, 1885: 173 (catalogue); 1892: 129 (catalogue, new distribution: Guatemala); 1903: 169 (catalogue); Obenberger, 1922: 72 (key); 1930: 559 ( humerale View in CoL , catalogue); Blackwelder, 1944: 315 (checklist); Théry, 1944: 17 (revision, key, redescription); Hespenheide, 1975: 780 (mimicry); Westcott et al., 1990: 220 (new localities); Hespenheide, 1996: 235 (mimicry); Bellamy, 2008: 1519 ( humerale View in CoL , catalogue).

Type specimens studied. Lectotype ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10 – 18 ) and paralectotype (2 females, both on one pin, BMNH). Lectotype (male): “ Holotype [p, rounded, red-framed] // B. C. A. III [p] // [ Mexico] S.[an] Geronimo, 3000ft, Champion [p] / / Lectotype Tetragonoschema humerale Waterhouse, 1882 , det. C. L. Bellamy 2004 [p, red]” ; paralectotype (female): “ Syntype [p, rounded, blue-framed] // B. C. A. III [p] // [ Mexico] S.[an] Geronimo, 3000ft, Champion [p] // Paralectotype Tetragonoschema humerale Waterhouse, 1882 , det. C. L. Bellamy 2004 [p, yellow]” .

Further specimens studied. BELIZE. CAYO: Chiquibul Rd., Georgeville 8 mi S, 420 m, 21.–24.vi.1992, Rifkind & Gum leg. (1 male, CLBC) ; COSTA RICA. GUANACASTE: Cuajiniquil 8 km SE, 100 m, 16.vi.–4.vii.1993, L N 320300,347200 # 2177, F. Quesda leg. (1 female, INBIO) ; Los Almendros, 12.–31.v.1993, L N 334800, 369800, E. López leg. (1 male, 1 female, INBIO) ; Los Almendros, 11.–22.vii.1992, L N 334800 369800, E. López leg. (1 female, INBIO) ; Volcano Orosí, Estancia Maritza, 600 m, L N 326900, 373000, Malaise trap (1 female, INBIO) ; Rincón de la Vieja, Estancia Las Pailas, 800 m, 15.v.–11.vi.1993, L N 306300, 388600, K. Taylor leg. (1 female, INBIO) ; Barra Honda, Nacaome 3 km NE, 100 m, L N 239000, 386000, iv.1993, M. Reyes leg. (1 male, INBIO) ; HONDURAS. AGUA CALIENTE: El Paradiso, 28.v.1996, Andrews & Gilbert leg. (1 female, CSCA) ; FRANCISCO MORAZÁN: Talanga, 14°17ʹ92ʹ N 87°14ʹ17ʹ W, 27.v.1976, Andrews & Gilbert leg. (2 females, CSCA) ; Tegucigala, 21–37 km N, North Hwy, 34–4000ʹ, 25.v.1993, Rifkin & Gum leg. (1 male, CLBC) ; YORO: PN Pico Pijol, 2.vi.2003, R. Turnbow leg. (1 male, UCDC) ; MEXICO. CHIAPAS: Aguacero, 6.vi.1987, W. B. Warner leg. (1 male, CLBC) ; Comitan 10 mi NW, 9.viii.1963, Parker & Stange leg. (1 female, UCDC) ; COLIMA: La Presa 6.5 km NE, Las Trancas, 19°03ʹ33.9ʹ N 103°43ʹ22.1ʹ E, 150 m, 28.vi.2006, F. A. Noguera leg. (1 male, EBCC) ; MX 120, Tepalcatepec 18 km W, 13.vii.2006, slash pile, Acacia , weeds, Skillman & Hildebrandt leg. (1 male, CLBC) ; Tecoman 8 mi N, 25.vii.1966, D. S. Verity leg. (1 female, UCDC) ; GUERRERO: Iguala 23 km W, viii.–ix.1990, E Giesbert leg. (1 male, 1 female, EMEC; 1 female, CLBC) ; JALISCO: Chamela, 26.viii.1986, M. Sánchez leg. (2 females, EBCC) ; Chamela, 9.–19.vii.1993, J. E. Wappes leg. (1 male, 1 female, CLBC) ; Chamela, 13.vii.1993, R. L. Wescott leg. (38 males, 7 females, RLWE; 2 males, 1 female, UCDC) ; Chamela, 30.vi.1995, R. L. Westcott leg. (1 female, UCDC) ; Chamela, 25.–30.vi.1991, F. A. Noguera leg. (15 males, 9 females, EBCC; 1 male, 1 female, EMEC; 1 male, RLWE) ; Chamela 27.4 km S, 19.vii.1987, R. Turnbow leg. (1 male, UCDC; 1 female, CSCA; 1 male, CLBC) ; Chamela, 30.vi.1991, A. Rodríguez leg. (1 male, 1 female, CLBC) ; Chamela, 10.–20.vii.1985, E. Giesbert leg. (1 female, EMEC) ; Chamela, 14.–22.vii.1992, J. Chemsac leg. (1 female, EMEC) ; Cuitzmala, 4.vii.1991, R. Ayala leg. (1 male, 1 female, EMEC) ; Magdalena 25 km N, 16.vii.1981, E. M. Fisher leg. (1 male, CSCA) ; MICHOACÁN: Capirio 9 mi E, 800 m, Fisher & Sullivan leg. (1 male, RLWE) ; Sierra del Espinazo del Diabolo, Arteaga 35 km NE, 18°25.852ʹN 102°06.268ʹW, 828 m, 5.viii.2005, T. C. MacRae & C. L. Bellamy leg. on flower of Croton cladotrichus Müller , misc. beat & sweep (26 males, 5 females, CLBC; 11 males, 9 females, TCMC) ; OAXACA: Camarón 8.2 km E, 16°33ʹN 95°59ʹW, 1.vii.1996, CLB 559, Bellamy, Barrera, Brailovski leg. (1 male, CLBC) ; La Ventosa Junction 15mi N, Hwy 185, 8.vii.1965, sweeping, G. H. Nelson leg. (1 male, NMPC) ; La Ventosa Junction 15 mi N, Hw 185, G. H. Nelson leg. (6 males, 2 females, FSCA) ; Salina Cruz –Santa Cruz Huatulco, Estación El Sabanal 2 km S, 15°46ʹ10.4ʹ N 96°11ʹ40.6ʹ E, 103 m, 1.vi.2005, Noguera leg. on Croton (1 male, 1 female, EBCC) ; ent Carr. 5.5 km SE, Sto Dom Tehuantepec 16 km NE, 13.vii.1992, C. L. Bellamy leg. (2 males, CLBC) ; 8.–20.vii.1965, 7 k m W of Tehuantepec, 11– 12.07.1992, Volkovitsh leg. (1 ex., ZIN) ; 10.6 km N of junction 190/135, on 135, 1920 m, 21.vii.1987, wet oak forest, R Anderson leg. (1 female, RLWE) ; QUINTANA ROO: Cancun 23 km SW, 26.v.2001, Cope coll. (1 female, CLBC) ; Chichen Itza vic., 10.–12.vi.2004, J. Rifkind leg. (1 male, CLBC) ; SINALOA: Mazatlan 5 mi N, 9.viii.1965, G. H. Nelson leg. (1 female, FSCA) ; Mazatlan 2.5 mi N, 13.viii.1970, M. Wasbauer leg. (1 female, EMEC) ; Mazatlan 5 mi N, 21.vii.1972, M. A. Chemsak leg. (21 female, FSCA; 2 males, 2 females, EMEC) ; Mazatlan 5 mi N, 27.vii.1973, E. Giesbert leg. (1 female, EMEC) ; VERACRUZ: Cotaxtla, 28.vi.1962, D. H. Janzen leg. (2 females, CLBC) ; Cotaxtla, 6.vii.1987, K. R. Pullen leg. (1 female, CLBC) ; Paso del Torro, 1.vii.1987, K. R. Pullen leg. (1 female, CLBC) ; Cotaxtla, 28.vi.1962, D. H. Janzen leg. (2 males, CSCA; 1 female, NMNH) ; NICARAGUA. MATAGALPA:, Sebaco-Matagalpa km 114, 12°53ʹN 86°02ʹW, 2.–3.vi.2004, Dauber leg (1 female, WBCW) ; PANAMA. PANAMA: Cerro Campana Rd., 1930ʹ, 17.v.1991, R. Turnbow leg. (1 female, CSCA).

Differential Diagnosis. The only bicolorous Central American species, it is rather similar to T. (T.) trinidadanse in its colouration and body-shape; it differs from it in the more rounded lateral pronotal margins, deeper frontal depression and in the red elytral pattern which occupies only the humeral part of the elytra; aedeagi of both species are rather similar ( Figs. 80 View FIGURES 72 – 81 vs. 81). Although this species is widely distributed in various biotopes of Central America its variability is negligible: except for the size only the basal colouration of elytra varies from black to intensively blue-green. It seems that T. (T.) humerale and T. (T.) trinidadanse are vicariant species.

Length: 3.2–5.3 mm.

Bionomy. Practically nothing is known about the bionomy of this widely distributed species. Some specimens from Mexico (Michoacán) were collected on flower of Croton cladotrichus ; a specimen from Tehuantepec ( Mexico, Oaxaca) was collected by beating of dying Acacia sp.

Sexual dimorphism. The female usually differs from the male in its larger and stouter body and in the more intense green or blue lustre of the dorsal surface; ventral surface of the female is usually concolorous, black with slight green lustre, ventral surface of the male possesses an intense green lustre which is more developed on metasternum and metacoxae so that the ventral surface of male looks somewhat bicolorous.

Distribution. Belize (new country record), Costa Rica, Guatemala ( Bellamy, 2008), Honduras (new country record), Mexico, Nicaragua (new country record), Panama (new country record).


California State Collection of Arthropods


R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Estacion de Biologia Chamela


Essig Museum of Entomology


National Museum Prague


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History
















Tetragonoschema (Tetragonoschema) humerale Waterhouse, 1882

Bílý, Svatopluk 2012

Tetragonoschema humeralis:

Bellamy 2008: 1519
Hespenheide 1996: 235
Westcott 1990: 220
Hespenheide 1975: 780
Blackwelder 1944: 315
Thery 1944: 17
Obenberger 1922: 72
Kerremans 1885: 173

Tetragonoschema humeralis

Waterhouse 1882: 17
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