Tetrasejaspis muranyii, Kontschán, 2007

Kontschán, J., 2007, Uropodina Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) From Venezuela, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (4), pp. 335-346 : 337-341

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Tetrasejaspis muranyii

sp. nov.

Tetrasejaspis muranyii sp. n.

( Figs 5–6 View Figs 3–6 )

Holotype: female ( UROTY040 ). Venezuela, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier , seasonal rain forest, 20.04.2005. litter, soil and dead wood from the stream shore, leg. CS. CSUZDI & D. MURÁNYI.

Etymology: This species is dedicated to DÁVID MURÁNYI, who collected the soil materials in


Diagnosis: First sternal setae shorter than the others, all sternal setae smooth and setiform. Ventral setae very long, smooth and setiform. All dorsal setae long and filiform. Postdorsal shield subdivided to three part, their ornamentation lacking, central part without setae, but one pair of setiform setae on its anterior margin.

Female. Idiosoma pear-like, 748 long, 462 wide (n=1).

Male, deuteronymph and protonymph unknown.

Description: Dorsal side ( Fig. 5 View Figs 3–6 ). Surface of the lateral part of dorsal shield is smooth, central part with alveolar ornamentation. All dorsal setae are long and filiform. Postdorsal shield subdivided to three part, without ornamentation. Central part without setae, but one pair of setiform setae on its anterior margin. Two lateral parts of postdorsal shield with one setiform seta. Scalloping between the marginal and dorsal shields. Marginal shield without ornamentation. Marginal setae shorter than dorsal setae, smooth and setiform.

Ventral side ( Fig. 6 View Figs 3–6 ): Strenal shield without ornamentation. The first sternal setae are shorter than others, all sternal setae smooth and setiform. Ventral setae are very long, smooth and setiform. Alveolar ornamentation on apical part of anal region. Anal setae not clearly visible.

Genital shield large, rounded, without ornamentation and processes.

Peritreme and stigma not clearly visible (covered by coxae 1 and 2).

Gnathosoma: Not clearly visible (covered by coxae 1).

Remarks: The new species is similar to the species Tetrasejaspis carlosbordoni HUŢU, 1991 , their distinguishing characters are summarised in Table 1.

Cyllibula (Wagenaaria) altasimilis ( HIRSCHMANN, 1977)

( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–11 )

Cyllibula altasimilis HIRSCHMANN : 1977: 56–57.

Cyllibula (Wagenaaria) altasimilis : BŁOSZYK et ATHIAS-BINCHE 1986: 163.

Material examined: 1 female, Venezuela, Andes, degraded mountain rain forest along the road from La Culata to Mérida, 01.04.2005, N 08°43.325, W 71°04.978, 2690 m.a.s.l., from litter and decaying wood, leg. CS. CSUZDI & D. MURÁNYI.

Previous record: Bolivia, Guayaramerin (Beni) ( HIRSCHMANN, 1977).

Distribution: Bolivia and Venezuela.

Re-description. Female: Idiosoma oval, 930 length, 780 wide.

Dorsal side: All dorsal and marginal setae smooth and setiform. Dorsal and marginal shield without ornamentation.

Ventral side: Sternal shield without pattern, all sternal setae smooth and needle-like. St1 placed near the anterior margin of genital shield, St2 between coxae 2 and 3, St3 between coxae 3 and 4, St4 near central part of coxae 4, St5 near the posterior margin of genital shield. Ventral setae smooth and setiform, as long as the sternal setae. There are two lyriform fissures on posterior part of anus. Stigma situated between coxae 2 and 3, peritreme U-form.

Genital shield large scutiform, without processes and ornamentation.

Gnathosoma: Corniculi horn-like, laciniae, with some long branches bearing short hairs. Hypostomal setae h1 long, smooth and setiform h2, similar to h1, but h2 bear short spines on its mar- 11 = ventral view of gnathosoma (Scale bar: a = 200 µm, b = 50 µm)

gin, h2 longer than h1, h3 long, setiform, with serrated margin. Seta h4 antler shaped. Epistoma, tritosternum and chelicerae not clearly visible.


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)














Tetrasejaspis muranyii

Kontschán, J. 2007

Cyllibula (Wagenaaria) altasimilis

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