Triploporella? praturloni (Dragastan) Granier & Clavel & Charollais & MarcWeidmann, 2014

Granier, Bruno, Clavel, Bernard, Charollais, Jean & MarcWeidmann, 2014, Latest Jurassic - Early Cretaceous Dasycladalean Algae (Chlorophyta) From The Morand Drilling At Montricher (Canton Of Vaud, Switzerland), Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 10 (1 - 2), pp. 1-2 : 32

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scientific name

Triploporella? praturloni (Dragastan)

comb. nov.

Triploporella? praturloni (Dragastan) , nov. comb.

( Fig. 3 View Fig b-c)

Originally ascribed to the genus Macroporella (Pia) , a Seletonnellacean alga, this species has features such as euspondyly, i.e., having laterals arranged in verticils, and cladospory, i.e., with cysts in its primary laterals ( Bucur, 1985), that exclude it. Alternatively it could have been reascribed to the genus Salpingoporella (Pia in Trauth), a Triploporellacean alga. However due to its huge number of primaries per verticils and their general shape, thin and elongated, I prefer to refer it to the genus Triploporella (Steinmann) . The question mark following the generic name stands for a species left in open nomenclature as the occurrence of short secondaries is not documented yet. It is a fourth and last species studied that is mineralized with calcite instead of aragonite ( Granier, 2012).

Our specimens were found in the "Calcaires roux".

Daycladales of uncertain affinity

Genus Cylindroporella Johnson

( Fig. 7j View Fig )

The genus Cylindroporella Johnson comprises a number of species of uncertain affinities. Following revisions, some species were transferred to the genera Montiella L. & J. Morellet and Fourcadella Granier & Berthou , etc. Here only the few algal remains presenting a neck-like structure (as illustrated by Granier, 1987b, Pl. 34, figs. f-g as " Cylindroporella barnesii Johnson ") are referred to this genus. They are found at the top of the “Urgonien blanc”.

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