Tryphosites chevreuxi Stebbing, 1914

Alonso, G. M., 2012, Amphipod crustaceans (Corophiidea and Gammaridea) associated with holdfasts of Macrocystis pyrifera from the Beagle Channel (Argentina) and additional records from the Southwestern Atlantic, Journal of Natural History 46 (29 - 30), pp. 1799-1894 : 1872-1874

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scientific name

Tryphosites chevreuxi Stebbing, 1914


Tryphosites chevreuxi Stebbing, 1914 View in CoL

Tryphosites chevreuxi Stebbing, 1914: 355 View in CoL , pl. 3.

Tryphosites chevreuxi: Schellenberg, 1931: 36 View in CoL , 37, fig. 17; Alonso, 1987: 4, 5, figs. 16–34; Alonso de Pina, 1993: 381, fig. 4; Chiesa et al., 2005: 169, 170, tb. 2; De Broyer et al., 2007: 155, 156.

Material examined

Argentina; Beagle Channel, northern Isla Despard, 54 ◦ 52 ′ S, 68 ◦ 10 ′ W, 8–12 m depth, colls. D. Aureliano and A. Ferlito, don. G. Lovrich, 19 March 1999: 3 ♀♀ 5.9–10.2 mm, MACN-In 38679a; 2 ♂♂ 6 and 8 mm, MACN-In 38679b; 1 ♀ 7.1 mm, MACN-In 38679c. Same location, same colls., 24 May 1999: 3 ♀♀ 8–8.5 mm, MACN-In 38680a; 1 ♂ 7 mm, MACN-In 38680b; 1 ovig. ♀ 8.8 mm, 1 ♀ 6.7 mm, 1 sex indet. 4.75 mm, MACN-In 38680c; 1 ♂ 8.75 mm, MACN-In 38680d; 1 ♂ 6.9 mm, MACN-In 38680e; 1 ♀ 8.5 mm, MACN-In 38680f; 1 ovig. ♀ 9 mm, 1 ♂ 7 mm, MACN-In 38680g. Same location, same colls., 27 May 1999: 1 ♀ 7 mm, MACN-In 38681a; 1 ♀ 6 mm, MACN- In 38681b; 1 ♂ 6.1 mm, MACN-In 38681c; 1 ovig. ♀ 10.2 mm, 1 ♀ 7 mm, MACN-In 38681d; 1 ♂ 6.8 mm, MACN-In 38681e. Same location, same colls., 5 August 1999: 3 ovig. ♀♀ 8–8.8 mm, MACN-In 38682a; 1 sex indet. 5 mm, MACN-In 38682b. Same location, same colls., 11 August 1999: 8 ovig. ♀♀ 8.1–9.5 mm, 4 ♀♀ 8.1–10.8 mm, MACN-In 38683a; 1 ovig. ♀ 8.3 mm, 2 ♀♀ 7.6 and 9 mm, MACN-In 38683b; 2 ♂♂ 6.6 and 7.5 mm, MACN-In 38683c; 1 ovig. ♀ 9.8 mm, 1 sex indet. 3 mm, MACN- In 38683d; 3 ovig. ♀♀ 6–9.5 mm, 2 ♀♀ 5.8 and 6 mm, MACN-In 38683e; 2 ♂♂ 6 and 6.05 mm, MACN-In 38683f. Same location, same colls., 1 November 1999: 2 ovig. ♀♀ 7 and 7.05 mm, MACN-In 38684a; 3 ovig. ♀♀ 7.5–8.05 mm, 1 ♀ 8 mm, MACN-In 38684b; 4 ovig. ♀♀ 6–9 mm, 1 ♀ 6.5 mm, MACN-In 38684c; 1 ♂ 8.5 mm, MACN-In 38684d. Same location, same colls., 10 November 1999: 1 sex indet. 5 mm, MACN-In 38685a; 1 ♀ 7 mm, MACN-In 38685b; 2 ♂♂ 8 and 8.9 mm, MACN-In 38685c; 1 ovig. ♀ 7.8 mm, 1 ♀ 5.75 mm, MACN-In 38685d. Same location, same colls., 10 February 2000: 7 ovig. ♀♀ 7–9 mm, 7 ♀♀ 6–8.05 mm, MACN-In 38686a; 2 ♂♂ 6 and 6.1 mm, MACN-In 38686b; 2 ovig. ♀♀ 9 and 10 mm, MACN-In 38686c; 1 ♀ 7 mm, 1 ♂ 6.8 mm, MACN-In 38686d; 3 ovig. ♀♀ 6.25–6.9 mm, 1 ♀ 6 mm, MACN-In 38686e; 1 ♂ 5.5 mm, MACN-In 38686f; 1 ♂ 8 mm, MACN-In 38686g; 1 ovig. ♀ 8.3 mm, 1 ♀ 7.75 mm, MACN-In 38686h. Same location, same colls., 14 February 2000: 1 ♂ 6 mm, MACN-In 38687a; 2 ♀♀ 8 and 9 mm, 1 ♂ 6 mm, MACN-In 38687b. Same location, same colls., 2 May 2000: 1 ovig. ♀ 11 mm, 3 ♀♀ 7–8.2 mm, MACN-In 38688a; 1 ♂ 7.9 mm, MACN-In 38688b; 2 ovig. ♀♀ 9 and 12 mm, 4 ♀♀ 7–9 mm, MACN-In 38688c; 3 ♂♂ 5.8–6 mm, MACN-In 38688d; 4 ovig. ♀♀ 8.1–11 mm, MACN-In 38688e; 1 ♀ 6 mm, 1 ♂ 7 mm, MACN-In 38688f; 1 ovig. ♀ 9 mm, 1 ♀ 6.75 mm, 1 sex indet. 4 mm, MACN-In 38688g. Same location, same colls., 29 May 2000: 1 ovig. ♀ 11 mm, 2 ♀♀ 6.95 and 8.9 mm, MACN-In 38689a; 1 ♂ 6.9 mm, MACN-In 38689b; 1 ovig. ♀ 7 mm, 2 ♀♀ 6.7 and 8.5 mm, MACN-In 38689c; 4 ♂♂ 4.65–8 mm, MACN-In 38689d; 2 ovig. ♀♀ 7.8 and 9.2 mm, 1 ♀ 8 mm, MACN-In 38689e; 1 ♂ 5 mm, MACN-In 38689f; 2 ♀♀ 6 mm, 1 ♂ 4.95 mm, 1 sex indet. 4 mm, MACN-In 38689g. Hero survey; sta 2, 46 ◦ 13 ′ S, 60 ◦ 20 ′ W: 1 sex indet. 6.8 mm, 150 m depth, 19 August 1971, don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38690. SANJO I survey; February 1973, don. L. Orensanz, off Baliza Sarmiento, sta 3, 42 ◦ 15 ′ S, 64 ◦ 07 ′ W: 1 ovig. ♀ 7 mm, scallop bed, MACN-In 38691; sta A, approx. 42 ◦ 00 ′ S, 64 ◦ 00 ′ W: 4 ovig. ♀♀ 5–6.1 mm, MACN-In 38692. SAO V survey; don. L. Orensanz, northwest Golfo San Matías, sta 31, approx. 40 ◦ 45 ′ S, 65 ◦ 00 ′ W: 1 ovig. ♀ 6 mm, 2 ♂♂ 5 and 5.5 mm, 1973, MACN-In 38693; Golfo San Matías, off El Buque, sta 236, 40 ◦ 53 ′ S: 3 ovig. ♀♀ 6 mm, 1 ♀ 7 mm, 2 sex indet. 5 mm, shell bottom, 20 m depth, 6 March 1973, MACN-In 38694. SAO I survey; sta 22, 40 ◦ 54 ′ S, 65 ◦ 01 ′ W: 1 sex indet. 5 mm, gravel, 16 m depth, 11 February 1971, don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38695. Río Negro province; off Las Grutas, 40 ◦ 49 ′ S, 65 ◦ 03 ′ W: 1 ♀ 5.15 mm, coarse sand, 15 m depth, 1970s, don. L. Orensanz, MACN-In 38696. Knipovich survey; 1967, coll. V. Scarabino, sta 1056, 36 ◦ 30.5 ′ S, 53 ◦ 55 ′ W: 3 ovig. ♀♀ 6–8 mm, 2 ♂♂ 6 and 6.2 mm, 155–192 m depth, MACN-In 38697; 1965, coll. J. Amaro, sta 250, 36 ◦ 24.5 ′ S, 53 ◦ 51.7 ′ W: 1 ovig. ♀ 7 mm, 1 ♀ 6.1 mm, sandy bottom, 128 m depth, MACN-In 38698; sta 248, 35 ◦ 36 ′ S, 52 ◦ 43 ′ W: 2 ovig. ♀♀ 5 and 5.5 mm, 1 ♀ 7 mm, silty sand bottom, 170 m depth, MACN-In 38699; sta 249, 35 ◦ 34.5 ′ S, 52 ◦ 40.3 ′ W: 2 ovig. ♀♀ 5.15 and 7.05 mm, 1 ♂ 5.3 mm, 2 sex indet. 4.2 and 5 mm, 310 m depth, MACN-In 38700. Survey 9508; off GoogleMaps Uruguay, grab type McIntyre , coll. M. Baronna, don. F. Scarabino, sta 32, 36 ◦ 09 ′ S, 53 ◦ 18 ′ W: 1 sex indet. 4 mm, 234.5 m depth, 27 September 1995, MNHNM w / o n.; sta 17, 35 ◦ 53 ′ S, 53 ◦ 27 ′ W: 1 ♀ 6.5 mm, 98.5 m depth, 24 September 1995, MNHNM w / o n; sta 16, 35 ◦ 52 ′ S, 53 ◦ 10 ′ W: 1 ♀ 5.8 mm, 138.5 m depth, 24 September 1995, MNHNM w / o n GoogleMaps .


Tryphosites chevreuxi Stebbing, 1914 View in CoL is extensively distributed in the Magellanic area and it has a wide latitudinal range, extending north to La Plata River in Argentina, to Uruguay and to Valparaíso in Chile. The species has been found associated with algae and inhabiting sandy bottoms, having a large bathymetric range between medium intertidal and more than 300 m depth. Present records expand its geographical and bathymetrical distribution north of Argentina, and are new for Uruguay.


Sammlung Oberli


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Mexico City














Tryphosites chevreuxi Stebbing, 1914

Alonso, G. M. 2012

Tryphosites chevreuxi:

De Broyer C & Lowry K & Jazdzewski K & Robert H 2007: 155
Chiesa IL & Alonso GM & Zelaya DG 2005: 169
Alonso de Pina GM 1993: 381
Alonso G 1987: 4
Schellenberg A 1931: 36

Tryphosites chevreuxi

Stebbing TRR 1914: 355
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