Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20)

Nicola, Marcela Viviana, Salomón, Luciana & Zuloaga, Fernando Omar, 2018, Nomenclatural and taxonomic study in species of Viola (Violaceae) from Argentina, Phytotaxa 338 (2), pp. 151-176 : 166-167

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.338.2.1

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scientific name

Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20)


Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) View in CoL

Type:—[ FALKLAND ISLANDS. Saunders Island: / ISLAS MALVINAS. Isla Trinidad:] Insulis Maclovianis, Port Egmont , L. Née s.n. (holotype, MA 82810 [digital image!]; isotype, MPU 023594 [digital image!]) .

Distribution:—Native of Argentina and Chile. In Argentina it is known for the provinces of Chubut, Neuquén, Río Negro, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del Fuego, and for the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas).

= Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. megaphylla De Candolle ex Gingins (1824: 297) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype, designated here):—[ CHILE. XII Region: Strait of Magellan, in the neighborhood of Bahia Agua Fresca,] Magellan, 1767, P. Commerson s.n. (MPU 023947 [digital image!]).

Protologue citation:—“in sylvis bahiae Duclos ad fretum Magellanicum. V. pyrolaefolia var. α. Poir! dict. 8. p. 636 excl. patriâ. V. glandulosa Dombey ! herb. V. lutea megaphyllos Commers. (DC. v. s. sp. in h. Mus. Par.)”.

Notes:—Philibert Commerson circumnavigated the world with Louis A. Bougainville. In 1767 they were at the Strait of Magellan in southern Chile ( Bougainville 1772), where Commerson must surely have collected this specimen. Commerson deposited most of his material at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris (P; Stafleu & Cowan 1976), and according to the protologue Frédéric Gingins examined this material there (“h. Mus. Par.”). However, we could not find the P specimen, but located a duplicate at MPU, one of the herbaria in which Commerson deposited his duplicates ( Stafleu & Cowan 1976). We therefore selected the specimen with the barcode number MPU 023947 as the lectotype because it agrees with the protologue, is a vigorous and complete specimen, and possess a label handwritten by Commerson. A reviewer comment, to which we are profoundly grateful mentions: “a Frenchman, Monsieur Alexandre Duclos-Guillot, was in the frigate ‘L’Aigle’ in the Strait of Magellan in 1765. The Baie Duclos cited by Commerson was obviously named for him. It is nowadays known by its Chilean name of Bahia Agua Fresca, and is situated to the south of Punta Arenas and opposite Porvenir, at 53º 40’ S 70º 98’ W.”

= Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. buchtienii ( Gandoger 1912: 705) Weibel (1943: 80) View in CoL .

Basionym: Viola buchtienii Gandoger (1912: 705) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype, designated here):— CHILE. [XIV Region:] Valdivia , 11 October 1895, O. Buchtien s.n. (E 00322399 [digital image!]; isolectotypes, LIL 000919 [digital image!], SI 003770!) .

Protologue citation:—“ Chili, prope Valdivia (O. Buchtien sub. nom. V. maculatae ).”

Notes:—Otto Buchtien deposited duplicates in many herbaria ( Stafleu & Cowan 1976). We found three syntypes that coincide with the protologue and selected the specimen with the barcode number E 00322399 as lectotype because it agrees with the protologue and is a specimen in good conditions.

= Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) f. constitucionensis Sparre (1949: 397) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype, designated here):— CHILE. [VII Region:] Constitución, November 1893, K. Reiche 14a (SGO 000003301 [digital image!]).

Protologue citation:—“ Localities: CHILE: Prov. de Talca, Laguna de Mondaca (about 1400 m alt.), 18 II-1879, F. Philippi nº134 d. (Stgo). Prov. de Maule: Constitución , X-1891, zwischen Gebüsch, cop. und cop. greg., (K.) R(eiche) w/nº (Stgo); the same, XI-1893; K. Reiche w/nº (Stgo); Between Constitución and Empedrado, Alto de Pantanillo , Nothofagus obliqua -forest, 500 m alt., 18-IX-1892, K. Reiche w/nº (Stgo).”

Notes:—We found all the syntypes cited by Benkt Sparre at SGO and selected the specimen K. Reiche 14a (SGO 000003301) as the lectotype of Viola maculata f. constitucionensis because it agrees with the protologue, is a complete and vigorous specimen, the form is called after the locality where it was collected (Constitución) and it possesses a label with the identification handwritten by Benkt Sparre. The following specimens were also examined: CHILE. Talca. Laguna de Mondaca, 1400 m, 18 February 1879, F. Philippi 134d (SGO 000003299 [digital image!]). Maule, between Constitución and Empedrado, Alto de Pantanillo, Nothofagus obliqua-forest , 500 m, 18 September 1892, K. Reiche 134g (SGO 000003300 [digital image!]).

Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. microphyllos ( Poiret 1808: 628) De Candolle ex Gingins (1824: 297) View in CoL Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) subsp. microphyllos ( Poiret 1808: 628) Weibel (1943: 83) View in CoL

Basionym: Viola microphyllos Poiret (1808: 628) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype, designated here):— [ CHILE. XII Region:] Détroit de Magellan , au fond de la Baie Boucault, October 1767, P.Commerson s.n. (P 00756157 [digital image!]; isolectotypes, MPU 023592 [digital image!], MPU 023593 [digital image!]) .

Protologue citation:—“Cette plante a été recueillie, par Commerson, au detroit de Magellan, sur la côte des Patagons, dans le fond de la baie Boucault, sur les collines. (V. s. in herb. Juss.)”

Distribution:—Native of Argentina and Chile. In Argentina it is known for the provinces of Chubut, Neuquén, Río Negro, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del Fuego.

Notes:— Jean Louis Marie Poiret examined the original material at the herbarium of Laurent de Jussieu (P-JU, a historic herbarium of the de Jussieu family at P, with some types also present in the main P herbarium; http://grbio. org/institution/museum-national-d-histoire-naturelle-paris-mnhn-vascular-plants). We found three specimens which agree with the protologue and selected the one with the barcode number P 00756157 as the lectotype, in the herbarium where the collector, Philibert Commerson, deposited his types ( Stafleu & Cowan 1976). Furthermore, the author of the species, Poiret, and the author of the subsequent combination, Frédéric Gingins, examined the original material at P. It is a complete and vigorous specimen, and includes labels with notes containing identification, location, and collection data handwritten by Philibert Commerson himself .

= Viola buchtieniana W. Becker (1906b: 2) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype, designated here):— [ ARGENTINA. Río Negro:] San Carlos de Bariloche , Lago Nahuel Huapi, 900 m, 3 February 1905, O. Buchtien s.n. (S-R-11351 [digital image!]; isolectotype, E 00322401 [digital image!]) .

Protologue citation:—“Patagonia borealis, San Carlos de Bariloche (lago Nahuelhuapi, 41° lat. merid.), 900 m, ubi Dr. O. Buchtienius (Valdivia) 3.II 1905 legit. Patagonia meridionalis, Magellanes, Punta-Arenas, ubi Dr. F. C. Naumannius mortuus 7.II.1876 legit.”

Notes:—We selected the specimen O. Buchtien s.n. with the barcode number S-R-11351 as the lectotype because it agrees with the protologue and has a label with the identification handwritten by Wilhelm Becker.














Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20)

Nicola, Marcela Viviana, Salomón, Luciana & Zuloaga, Fernando Omar 2018

Viola buchtieniana W. Becker (1906b: 2)

Becker, W. 1906: )

Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. microphyllos ( Poiret 1808: 628 ) De Candolle ex

Gingins de la Sarraz, F. C. J. 1824: )
Poiret, J. L. M. 1801: )

Viola maculata

Cavanilles, A. J. 1801: )

Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. megaphylla De Candolle ex

Gingins de la Sarraz, F. C. J. 1801: )

Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) var. buchtienii ( Gandoger 1912: 705 )

Cavanilles, A. J. 1801: )

Viola maculata Cavanilles (1801: 20) f. constitucionensis

Cavanilles, A. J. 1801: )
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