Xenocerogria koteka, Telnov, 2023

Telnov, Dmitry, 2023, New and poorly-known taxa of Lagriinae Latreille, 1825 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) predominantly from the collections of the Naturkundemuseum Erfurt. 1, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 23 (1), pp. 1-33 : 1-33

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.59893/bjc.23(1).001

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scientific name

Xenocerogria koteka

sp. nov.

Xenocerogria koteka sp. nov. ( Figs 20–21 View Fig View Fig )


Note. Placement of this species in Xenocerogria Merkl, 2007 is tentative since the new taxon displays significant differences from the typical Xenocerogria sensu Borchmann, 1936 from the Oriental Region, including the shape of body, the modifications of antennomeres, the dorsally Derivatio nominis. Named after koteka, a penis sheath traditionally worn by males of some native tribes of New Guinea, to point on a peculiarly elongate male terminal antennomere of the new species. Noun in apposition.

Measurements. Holotype male ( Fig. 20A View Fig ). Total body length 5.3 mm; head length 0.9 mm, head width across compound eyes 0.9mm, pronotal length 0.7 mm, pronotal width across midlength 0.8 mm, across median portion 1.15 mm, across base 1.15


mm, elytral length 3.7 mm, combined maximum elytral width across midlength 1.8 mm.

Description. Holotype male, body elongate, slender, flattened in dorsal aspect. Dorsum and venter uniformly black, abdominal sternites brown. Head elliptical, slightly glossy dorsally and ventrally. Labrum broadly and shallowly emarginate at anterior margin. Epistoma broadly emarginate at anterior margin. Frontoepistomal impression moderately deep, distinct. Anterolateral area of frons moderately projected laterodorsad to hold insertion of antenna. Compound eye large, strongly reniform, deeply notched at anterior margin opposite insertion of antenna (densely punctured and long setose emargination extending towards posterior fourth of eye length), very broadly and shallowly emarginate at posterior margin, strongly protruding beyond lateral and dorsal outline of head. Minimum interocular distance about 0.7–0.8× a length of dorsal eye portion. Tempus about half eye length, slightly constricted posteriad, posterior temporal angle rounded, head base subtruncate. Head dorsal punctures dense and coarse, deep. Intervening spaces narrower than punctures, slightly elevated, glossy. Head dorsal setae yellowish, long to moderately long, rather sparse, suberect. Antenna ( Fig. 20B View Fig ) submoniliform, long, extending slightly beyond metacoxal cavity when directed posteriad. Basal antennomere short and thickened, about 1.7× as long as antennomere two. Antennomere two short. Antennomere three about twiceas long as preceding antennomere and about 1.3× as long as antennomere four. Antennomeres 4–10widened distally, 5–10 shortened, transverse. Antennomeres 7–10 with several short projections at periphery of distal margin. Terminal antennomere ( Fig. 20B View Fig .) stronglyelongate andarched, 1.7 mm long, about 20× as long as penultimate antennomere and about as long as combined length of all preceding

28 antennomeres, most of ventral margin except at base with distinct longitudinal furrow, remaining surface with numerous irregular tubercles. Terminal maxillary palpomere small, securiform. Pronotum slightly glossy dorsally and laterally, flattened in dorsal aspect, subrectangular, widest across midlength. Anterior and posterior margin subtruncate, without anterior and basal rim. Antero- and posterolateral angle rounded. Moderately deep paired transverse impression in anterolateral part of pronotal disc. Dorsal pronotal punctures distinctly smaller and denser than those on dorsal head, on lateral margins subconfluent. Intervening spaces narrower than to as wide as punctures, elevated, subrugulose when confluent. Pronotal setae yellowish, long and dense, subdecumbent, effectively concealing dorsal sculpture of pronotum. Scutellar shield triangular, pointed at posterior margin, opaque while densely punctured and setose. Elytron elongate, slender, nearly parallel-sided, flattened dorsally. Humerus rounded, humeral callosity barely elevated. Postbasal transverse impression not indicat- ed. Posterior sutural angle rounded in dorsal view. Elytral deflected lateral margin visible in dorsal view except at humerus. Elytral punctures dense, rather deep, subconfluent. Intervening spaces narrower than to as wide as punctures, glossy, slightly elevated and subconfluent. Elytral setae paleyellowish, generally inconspicuous, moderately long and dense, subdecumbent, directed obliquely laterally on median part of elytra along suture. Epipleuron complete, conspicuously broad, sparsely punctate, widest in basal fourth. Metathoracic wings fully developed (functional). Procoxa contiguous. Legs moderately long and slender, slightly glossy, with long, rather dense yellowish setae. Femora slender, slightly clavate. Protibia shorter than corresponding femur, without modifications. Meso- and metatibia subequal in length to corresponding femur, inner margin distinctly denticulate ( Fig. 20C View Fig ). Protarsomeres somewhat widened likely pointing on arboreal lifestyle. Male basal metatarsomere shorter than combined length of remaining metatarsomeres. Male tergite VII and morphological sternite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Aedeagus as in Fig. 21 View Fig .

Distribution. Arfak Mountains, Doberai Peninsula of New Guinea. The first record of the genus Xenocerogria from the Papuan Region.

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