Xenocona chulumani, Santos-Silva & Monné, 2023

Santos-Silva, Antonio & Monné, Miguel A., 2023, Description of three new species and one new genus in American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Zootaxa 5263 (2), pp. 273-284 : 281-284

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Plazi (2023-04-05 07:03:01, last updated 2024-11-27 15:54:47)

scientific name

Xenocona chulumani

sp. nov.

Xenocona chulumani View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 21–25 View FIGURES 21–25 )

Description. Holotype female. Integument mostly blackish; ventral mouthparts reddish brown, except yellowishbrown apex of maxillary palpomere IV and labial palpomere III; anteclypeus and labrum brownish centrally; scape brown with irregular dark areas interspersed. Elytra with sutural region reddish brown from anterior third, humerus dark reddish brown, sides brown from anterior third, this area slightly darker from middle, and apex reddish brown. Sides of apex of mesoventral process reddish brown. Protrochanters brownish orange; meso- and metatrochanters brown with irregular brownish orange areas interspersed; femoral peduncles brownish orange; tarsomeres V mostly brownish. Apex of ventrites 1–4 yellowish-brown.

Head. Frons densely, finely punctate; with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except brownish pubescent macula on each side near eyes, and brown pubescence toward antennal tubercles; with a few long, erect reddish-brown setae close to eyes. Area between antennal tubercles with somewhat abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous central region; remaining surface of vertex with sparse, very short yellowish pubescence, yellowish pubescence slightly more abundant close to eyes; surface sparsely, coarsely punctate. Area behind upper eye lobes with abundant yellowish pubescence close to eye, sparser and brownish on remaining surface, except dense, transverse yellowish macula close to lower eye lobe. Area behind lower eye lobes with superiorly with dense yellowish pubescence close to eye, glabrous area close to eye before middle, and sparse grayish-white pubescence close to eyes toward ventral surface; remaining surface glabrous. Genae finely, transversely striate toward ventral surface, abundantly, finely punctate toward clypeus and frons, except smooth apex; with sparse grayish-white pubescence, slightly more abundant close to eye, except glabrous apex. Antennal tubercles with abundant dark brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except dense yellowish pubescence on apex. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence absent centrally, and long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed laterally. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on posterior 2/3, glabrous on anterior third, except anterior margin with short fringe of yellow setae; with long, erect both yellowish-brown and dark-brown setae interspersed on posterior 2/3. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous, except anterocentral region depressed, finely striate-punctate, and with short whitish pubescence not obscuring integument. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.24 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.60 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae missing pedicel and antennomeres III–XI; scape gradually widened from base to posterior third, then slightly narrowed toward apex; about 1.5 times as long as prothoracic length; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence, slightly sparser and shorter ventrally, except brownish pubescence on central third of inner surface, and brownish pubescence before apex of dorsal and inner surface.

Thorax. Prothorax wider than long; lateral tubercles large, conical, with apex directed upward, located on middle. Pronotum with large, elevated, subconical tubercle on each side of anterior third, somewhat small gibbosity on each side just after middle, and carina-shaped gibbosity centrally, from anterior quarter to near apex; sparsely coarsely punctate, punctures coarsely on posterior quarter, except smooth anterolateral tubercles, central region, area close to anterior margin, and sides of area close to posterior margin; sides of anterior 3/4, with dense yellow pubescence, except yellowish-white pubescence on part of lateral tubercles of prothorax; sides of posterior quarter with shorter, slightly sparser yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument on sides of posterolateral gibbosities, and sparser yellowish-white pubescence close to posterior margin; central area close to anterior margin with brown pubescence not obscuring integument; outer and anterior surface of anterolateral tubercles with dense yellow pubescence, and remaining surface with abundant darkbrown pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous apex; posterolateral gibbosities with brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous apex; remaining surface with abundant brownish, yellowish-white and grayishwhite pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous central region of central gibbosity. Sides of prothorax with dark brown pubescence superiorly behind lateral tubercles, yellowish pubescence on remaining superior region, and abundant whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument toward prosternum, except glabrous anterior sulcus. Prosternum glabrous close to anterior margin, with abundant grayish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument laterally, and somewhat sparse grayish-white pubescence centrally. Prosternal process with abundant centrally, pubescence sparser laterally; narrowest area 0.34 times procoxal width. Central area of mesoventrite with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument anteriorly and posteriorly, glabrous centrally; sides with abundant yellowish-white pubescence, except dense pale-yellow pubescence apically. Mesanepisternum with abundant grayish-white pubescence superiorly, dense pale-yellow pubescence on remaining surface close to mesoventrite, light yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument on remaining surface, except brown pubescence not obscuring integument centrally close to mesepimeron.Mesepimeron with abundant yellowish-white pubescence toward elytra, and dense pale-yellow pubescence toward metaventrite. Mesoventral process with apex widely concave, almost V-shaped; narrowest area 0.52 times mesocoxal width; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence almost absent on sides of apex. Scutellum longitudinally concave centrally; apex centrally emarginate; with yellowish-white pubescence on sides of apex, remaining surface with brown pubescence not obscuring integument with short yellowish-white pubescence interspersed. Elytra. Subparallel-sided on anterior half, gradually rounded and narrowed toward near apex, then straight and convergent toward apex; apex obliquely truncate; centrobasal crest small, with dense tuft of yellowishbrown setae apically; with somewhat abundant, small tubercles throughout, tubercles gradually smaller toward apex; moderately abundantly, coarsely punctate on anterior half, punctures gradually finer and sparser toward apex on posterior half; with transverse, wide, irregular yellowish-gray pubescent band on anterior sixth, from near epipleural margin to suture; with wide, arched yellowish-gray pubescent band, inner margin almost reaching suture, anteriorly fused with the transverse yellowish-gray pubescent band, surpassing middle of elytra, then becoming oblique, denser and grayishwhite, ascending toward slightly before middle of elytra, not reaching vertical side of elytra; dorsal surface between the yellowish-gray and grayish-white pubescent bands with abundant yellowish pubescence, forming denser and yellower tufts close to tubercles, except irregular, slightly distinct, longitudinal, slightly oblique brownish pubescent bands; sutural region with dashed yellowish pubescent band from transverse yellowish-gray anterior pubescent band to middle, then gradually denser and yellowish-white toward apex, with sparse brownish pubescence between dashes; area adjacent to oblique and dense grayish-white pubescent band with two wide, oblique dark brown pubescent bands, innermost smaller and outermost distinctly larger; sides of posterior quarter with dark brown pubescent macula laterally, from epipleural margin do side of dorsal surface; vertical area with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, from apex of anterior third to dark brown pubescent macula on posterior quarter, except dashed whitish pubescent band close to epipleura; vertical area between transverse grayish-white pubescent band and yellowish-white pubescence with dark brown pubescence not obscuring integument; remaining surface of posterior third with abundant yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument, pubescence forming yellower tufts close to tubercles, pubescence denser and yellower laterally between dark brown pubescent areas, whiter laterally close to apex, except dashed dark-brown pubescent band close to epipleura. Legs. Femoral peduncle with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument; base of femoral club with wide brown pubescent band dorsally and laterally, irregular brown pubescent macula about middle of dorsal surface, irregular brown macula on sides of apical quarter, dense yellowish pubescence on remaining dorsal surface and superior region of sides, and abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument on remaining surface. Tibiae with dense yellowish-white pubescence basally, followed by brown pubescent ring, and another wide, dense yellowish-white pubescent ring ending about middle; apical half of protibiae with abundant, bristly yellowish brown pubescence ventrally, wide brown pubescence dorsally and laterally, from middle to apical quarter, and abundant yellowish-white pubescence dorsally and laterally on apical quarter; apical half of mesotibiae with dense, suberect yellowish-brown setae dorsally, except narrow area close to apex with dense yellowish-white pubescence, and abundant, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence on remaining surface, except sides partially with brown pubescence from middle to posterior quarter; apical half of metatibiae with bristly yellowish-brown pubescence ventrally and apex of sides, ventral pubescence gradually denser toward apex, dense brown pubescence dorsally and laterally, from middle to apical quarter, with short, decumbent yellowish-white setae interspersed, and dense yellowish-white pubescence on apical quarter of dorsal surface. Dorsal surface of tarsomeres I–III with dense whitish pubescence about basal half, brown pubescence on remaining surface; tarsomere V with abundant whitish pubescence on basal 3/4 and brownish pubescence on apical quarter; apical region of tarsomeres 1–III and V with long setae, setae mostly brownish basally and yellowish apically. Metatarsomere I 1.35 times longer than II–III together.

Abdomen. Ventrites with abundant yellowish-white pubescence laterally, and somewhat abundant grayish-white pubescence centrally; ventrite 5 longer than 3–4 together, apex slightly concave centrally and with fringe of pale-yellow setae. Apex of last tergite distinctly surpassing elytral apex, with acute apex.

Dimensions (mm). Total length, 11.20; prothoracic length, 1.65; anterior prothoracic width, 1.90; posterior prothoracic width, 2.30; maximum prothoracic width, 2.65; humeral width, 4.00; elytral length, 8.05.

Type material. Holotype female from BOLIVIA, La Paz : Sul Yungas, Valle Chulumani, 1660 m, “centro cerca rio,” no date indicated, W. Hana Garth leg. ( MZSP).

Etymology. The epithet is a noun in apposition referring to the type locality of the species.

Remarks. Xenocona chulumani sp. nov. is similar to X. forsteri ( Tippmann, 1960) but differs as follows (female): centrobasal crest of the elytra with yellowish-brown tuft of yellowish-brown setae apically; anterior sixth of the elytra with transverse yellowish-gray pubescent band; arched yellowish-gray pubescent band on anterior half of the elytra wider and fused with inner apex of the oblique grayish-white pubescent band located about middle of the elytra; inner side of the oblique grayish-white pubescent band located about middle of the elytra with oblique dark-brown pubescent macula; dorsal surface of posterior quarter without oblique dark-brown pubescent band; and apex of ventrite 5 with slightly concave emargination centrally. In X. forsteri (see photographs in Tippmann (1960) and Bezark 2023), the apex of the centrobasal crest of the elytra has tuft of blackish setae, anterior region of the elytra without transverse yellowish-gray pubescent band, arched yellowish-gray pubescent band on anterior half of the elytra narrower and fused with the outer apex of the oblique grayish-white pubescent band located about middle of the elytra, inner side of the oblique grayish-white pubescent band located about middle of the elytra without dark-brown pubescent macula, dorsal surface of posterior quarter with oblique dark-brown pubescent band, apex of ventrite 5 with distinct V-shaped emargination centrally.

Bezark, L. G. (2023) A photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the World. New World Cerambycidae Catalog. Available from: http: // bezbycids. com / byciddb / wdefault. asp? w = n / (accessed 28 January 2023)

Tippmann, F. F. (1960) Studien ¸ ber neotropische Longicornier III (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 37 - 38, 82 - 217.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 21–25. Xenocona chulumani sp. nov., holotype female: 21) Dorsal habitus; 22) Ventral habitus; 23) Lateral habitus; 24) Head, frontal view; 25) Centrobasal crest.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo











