Xenophyes cascus Bergroth

Burckhardt, Daniel, Bochud, Estée, Damgaard, Jakob, Gibbs, George W., Hartung, Viktor, Larivière, Marie-Claude, Wyniger, Denise & Zürcher, Isabelle, 2011, A review of the moss bug genus Xenophyes (Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha: Peloridiidae) from New Zealand: systematics and biogeography, Zootaxa 2923, pp. 1-26 : 9-10

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Xenophyes cascus Bergroth


Xenophyes cascus Bergroth View in CoL

( Figs. 8–11 View FIGURES 6 – 20 , 22, 28 View FIGURES 21 – 33 , 35, 42 View FIGURES 34 – 47 , 49, 56 View FIGURES 48 – 61 , 64, 65 View FIGURES 62 – 73 , 75 View FIGURES 74 – 79 , 81 View FIGURES 80 – 85 )

Xenophyes cascus Bergroth, 1924: 180 View in CoL . Holotype 3, New Zealand: North Island: TO, Ohakune, on mold (not traced). Xenophyes forsteri Drake & Salmon, 1948: 65 View in CoL ; synonymised provisionally with X. cascus View in CoL by China 1955; formally synonymised by Woodward 1956.

Material examined. Holotype 3 of X. forsteri , New Zealand: North Island: WN, Fort Hill Bush, Karori, Wellington, 22.i.1947, taken from moss on old log with a Berlese funnel, R. R. Forster ( MONZ).

New Zealand: North Island: 1 3, 1 Ƥ, ND, Raetea Forest, Mangamuka Gorge track (East side), 1.ii.1995, cloud forest, broadleaf-taraire dominant, moss and hepatics on tree trunks and branches (Larivière & Larochelle) (dry mounted, NZAC); 4 3, 4 Ƥ, AK, Kohukohunui, Hunua Range, 609 m, 30.iii.1974, litter 74/22 (J. C. Watt) (dry mounted, NZAC); 1 3, CL, Great Barrier Island, Mount Hobson, 620 m, 23–28.iii.1978, litter 78/134 ( ESNZ Field Trip) (dry mounted, NZAC); 6 3, CL, Coromandel, Mount Moehau, 800 m, 21.xii.1986 (S. Kiener) (dry mounted, NHMB); 2 3, 1 Ƥ, WO, Mount Pirongia, Wharauroa, 854 m, 9.vi.1977, moss 77/85 (B.M. May) (dry mounted, NZAC); 1 Ƥ, BP, Mount Te Aroha, 21.x.1967, litter (J.C. Watt) (dry mounted, NZAC); 5 3, 2 Ƥ, TK, Egmont National Park, Curtis Falls Track, 900 m, 18.iii.1998, mountain forest, kamahi-podocarp, sifting moss & hepatics from tree trunks (Larivière, Larochelle) (dry mounted, NZAC); 1 Ƥ, TK, Taranaki, Mount Egmont, Egmont–Pembroke Road, 950 m, 24.i.1987 (S. Kiener) (dry mounted, NHMB); 1 3, 1 Ƥ, TK, Egmont National Park, Mt. Taranaki, Dawson Falls, 14.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100 % ethanol, ZMHB); 2 Ƥ, same but Dawson Falls, 950 m, 6.xii.1984 (P. M. Hammond) (dry mounted, BMNH); 9 3, 7 Ƥ, 7 nymphs, TO, Tongariro National Park, Erua track, Hauhungatahi, 8.iv.1984 (G. W. Gibbs) (70 % ethanol and slide mounted, NHMB); 8 3, 9 Ƥ, 7 nymphs, same but 9.x.1984 (70 % ethanol, dry mounted, NHMB); 1 Ƥ, same but Hauhungitahi, 19.iii.2008 (G. W. Gibbs), JD#2091 (ethanol, ZMUC); 2 3, 3 Ƥ, 3 last instar nymphs, TO, Tongariro National Park, Hauhungatahi, Erua track, 39° 13,690’S / 175° 23,712’ E, 16.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100 % ethanol, ZMHB); 1 3, TO, Tongariro National Park, Ohakune, Mangawhero forest walk, 39° 23,896’S / 175° 24,953’E, 15.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100% ethanol, ZMHB); 1 3, 1 last instar nymph, same but forest walk 2, 39° 23,829’S / 175° 25,031’E, 17.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100% ethanol, ZMHB); 5 3, 2 Ƥ, WA, Mount Ross, 5.iv.1947, moss and lichens (J. T. Salmon) (dry mounted, BMNH, MONZ); 3 3, 2 Ƥ, 1 nymph, WN, Otaki Forks, Tararua Range, 16.x.1983 (G. W. Gibbs) (70 % ethanol, NHMB); 9 3, 4 Ƥ, 5 nymphs, same but x.1984, periphyton; 7 3, 8 Ƥ, 4 nymphs, same but 13.ii.2000, without microhabitat indication; 4 3, 2 Ƥ, same but 17.xi.2000; 1 3, 1 Ƥ, same but Otaki Forks, 2000 (G. W. Gibbs), JD#1112, JD#1726 (dry, ZMUC); 2 Ƥ, same but 7.xi.2006 (G. W. Gibbs), JD#1771, JD#1772 (ethanol, ZMUC); 9 3, 7 Ƥ, 11 nymphs, 3 nymphal skins, WN, Tararua Forest Park, Otaki Forks, 40° 52,172’S / 175°13,780’E; 9–11.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100 % ethanol, ZMHB); 3 3, 4 Ƥ, 3 nymphs, WN, Tararua Forest Park, Otaki Forks, 40° 52,172’S / 175°13, 780’E; 12.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100 % ethanol, ZMHB); 4 3, 4 Ƥ, 18 nymphs, WN, Rimutaka Range, 5 mile track, 24.v.1975 (G. W. Gibbs) (70 % ethanol, NHMB); 1 3, 1 Ƥ, same but 5 mile track, 30.iv.2007 (G. W. Gibbs), JD#1769, JD#1770 (ethanol, ZMUC); 1 Ƥ, same but Rimutaka Range, Mount Matthews, 941 m, 25.x.1976; 4 3, 2 Ƥ, same but Rimutaka Range, main ridge top, 700 m, 13.v.1980; 2 3, 1 Ƥ, WN, Rimutaka Forest Park, 5 mile track, 41° 20,417’S / 174° 58,305’E, 6.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100 % ethanol, ZMHB); 1 3, 1 Ƥ, 1 last instar nymph, WN, Rimutaka Forest Park, 5 mile track, 41° 20,478’S / 174° 57,439’E, 6.iv.2010, sifted moss (V. Hartung) (100 % ethanol, ZMHB); 1 Ƥ, Whakanui Summit, 6.ii.2008 (G. W. Gibbs), JD#2092 (ethanol, ZMUC).—South Island: 1 3, 1 Ƥ, SD, Waitohi Valley, Picton, 8.ii.2000 (G. W. Gibbs) (70 % ethanol, NHMB); 4 3, 7 Ƥ, 36 nymphs, NN, Mount Arthur Tableland, NW of Nelson Forest Park, Flora Saddle, 1000 m, 19.ii.1992 (D. Burckhardt), #58 (dry mounted and 75 % ethanol, MHNG); 1 3, NN, Flora Camp, Mount Arthr, 21.ii.1946, in moss (J. T. Salmon) (dry mounted, BMNH); 1 3, BR, Victoria Forest Park, Rahu Scenic Reserve, Rahu Creek, 700 m, 18.ii.1992 (D. Burckhardt), #55 (dry mounted, MHNG); 6 3, 8 Ƥ, 3 nymphs, BR, Victoria Forest Park, Rahu Scenic Reserve, Inangahua Valley near Otto River, 400 m, 18.ii.1992 (D. Burckhardt), #54 (dry mounted, MHNG); 2 3, BR, Mount Harata, 230 m, viii.1986, red beech (G. W. Gibbs) (70 % ethanol, NHMB); 1 3, BR, Bullock Creek, Punakaiki, 23.ix.2007 (G. W. Gibbs), JD#1937 (70 % ethanol, ZMUC); 1 3, BR, Nile River Valley, 23.x.2008 (G. W. Gibbs), JD#2305 (70 % ethanol, ZMUC); 1 3, 1 Ƥ, 1 nymph, WD, Dunlop Creek, Highway 6, 2 km South of Pukekura, 19.i.2000, mixed podocarp forest (D. Burckhardt) (70 % ethanol, NHMB).

Description. Adult. Coloration. Yellowish to brown; clavus light, about the same colour as remigium.

Structure. Body, in dorsal view, broadly ovoid. Head with weakly curved fore margin; anterior rim comparatively well delimited from membrane; areolae, in longitudinal body axis, relatively long; eyes strongly recessive; hind margin of eye and postero-lateral margin of head forming almost a right angle. Pronotum with poorly defined median longitudinal ridge, often finely transversely strigate posteriorly, at most finely punctate postero-laterally. Paranota relatively large with broadly curved margins; smooth postero-ventrally. Tegmen with vein M reduced basally, basal radial cell often with faint additional veins in apical half of vein M+CuA. Male and female terminalia as in Figs. 28 View FIGURES 21 – 33 , 35, 42 View FIGURES 34 – 47 , 49, 56 View FIGURES 48 – 61 , 64, 65 View FIGURES 62 – 73 . Male anal tube broadly oval, in dorsal view, widest in basal quarter, with curved lateral margins. Pygophore with comparatively short and wide median posterior tooth; postero-lateral edges irregularly rounded. Parameres moderately long, subacute apically. Aedeagus, in anterior view, with broadly rounded head distally, and obtusely rounded antero-proximal lobes; posterior outline of neck, in profile, with distinct angle; spines on neck long, coarse and numerous. Female tergite 9 with ventral margin weakly indented in apical third. Ventral teeth of valvulae 1 moderately large.

Measurements and ratios in Tables 1 and 2.

Fifth instar ( Fig. 75 View FIGURES 74 – 79 ). Anterior head margin weakly convex or almost straight. Posterior lobes of abdominal segment 9 slender, subacute apically; ventrite 9 covered with setae but lacking microscopical spinules; rear margin of male genital capsule, in ventral view, ending medially more distally than laterally ( Fig. 81 View FIGURES 80 – 85 ). Measurements and ratios in Table 3 View TABLE 3 .

Etymology. X. cascus : from Latin cascus = ancient, old, archaic, primitive, referring to the alleged primitive shape or phylogenetic position of the species. X. forsteri : named after R. R. Forster, the collector of the male holotype.

Comment. The holotype of Xenophyes cascus could not be traced in collections housed in New Zealand institutions nor in the institutions listed in the material and methods section. We also checked with the Zoological Museum, Helsinki (Bergroth collection), and the Moravian Museum, Brno (Melichar collection), although without success.


Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa - Entomology


New Zealand Arthropod Collection


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle














Xenophyes cascus Bergroth

Burckhardt, Daniel, Bochud, Estée, Damgaard, Jakob, Gibbs, George W., Hartung, Viktor, Larivière, Marie-Claude, Wyniger, Denise & Zürcher, Isabelle 2011

Xenophyes cascus

Drake 1948: 65
Bergroth 1924: 180
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