Zvenellomorpha (Zvenellomorpha) intermedia, Gorochov, 2022

Gorochov, A. V., 2022, Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 15: Asymmetrella gen. n., Zvenellomorpha and Ultratrella from Madagascar, Russian Entomological Journal 31 (3), pp. 218-229 : 224

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.31.3.02



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scientific name

Zvenellomorpha (Zvenellomorpha) intermedia

sp. n.

Zvenellomorpha (Zvenellomorpha) intermedia

Gorochov, sp.n.

Figs 19–23 View Figs 10–27 , 38–46 View Figs 38–46 .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype — ♂, Madagascar, Toamasina Prov., Moramanga Distr., ~ 10 km NW of Andasibe Vill., Torotorofotsy Forest Reserve , ~ 1000 m, at light, 22.II–11.III.2013, A. Gorochov ( ZIN) . Paratypes: 1 ♂, 2 ♀, same data as for holotype ( ZIN) ; 2 ♀, same province and district, Analamazaotra Forest Station near Andasibe Vill ., ~ 900 m, at light, 1–7.III.2013, A. Gorochov, L. Anisyutkin ( ZIN) .

DESCRIPTION. Male (holotype). General appearance similar to that of two other species of this subgenus but somewhat intermediate between them. Body coloration yellowish with greyish tinge and following marks: upper half of epicranium, pronotum and dorsal tegminal field light brown with light greyish eyes, a pair of barely distinct yellowish interrupted stripes along both lateral edges of pronotal disc, brown M, yellowish stripe between M and Cu in humeral region of tegmen, light greyish brown diagonal vein, and almost semitransparent membranes of mirror and of some nearest cells ( Figs 38–40 View Figs 38–46 ); antenna with brown basal part of scape as well as middle and dorsal portions of flagellum, dark brown rest of scape and proximal portion of flagellum ( Figs 38–39 View Figs 38–46 ); lateral tegminal field yellowish with light brown venation and semitransparent membranes between veins and veinlets ( Fig. 39 View Figs 38–46 ). Head with oval (longitudinal) but poorly distinct lateral ocelli, small round and also poorly distinct median ocellus, and large barely elongate eyes; rostrum roundly angular in profile and rather narrow (scape approximately 1.7 times as wide as space between antennal cavities); maxillary palpi more or less similar to those of Asymmetrella gen.n.; pronotum slightly narrowing to head, insignificantly longer than wide, and almost not depressed dorsoventrally (but lateral lobes moderately low; Fig. 39 View Figs 38–46 ); legs without keels on femora and tibiae, with inner tympanum oval (almost as wide as half of fore tibia width and about 1.2 times as long as latter width; as in Fig. 42 View Figs 38–46 ), and outer tympanum similar in shape but slightly smaller; Fig. 39 View Figs 38–46 ); tegmina distinctly protruding beyond apices of hind femora, with mirror in dorsal field almost normal (less irregular than in Z. bella ), dividing vein in this mirror more curved than in Z. recta ( Fig. 40 View Figs 38–46 ), and Sc having 9–10 branches; hind wings strongly protruding beyond tegminal apices; genital plate triangular in proximal half but with narrow, long and soft posteromedian lobule in distal half (this lobule narrowly rounded at apex). Genitalia very similar to those of Z. bella and Z. recta but with following diferences: epiphallus somewhat lower than in these species; dorsoapical epiphallic process with slightly longer both (proximal and distal) spines than in Z. bella as well as with distinctly deeper apical notch than in Z. recta ; ventroapical epiphallic lobule slightly shorter and less arcuate (almost S-shaped) than in Z. bella as well as apically more widened and hooked than in Z. recta ; ectoparameres slightly protruding beyond epiphallus (in Z. recta , they strongly protruding beyond epiphallus, and in Z. bella , they not reaching epiphallic apices; compare Figs 16–18 and 19–22 View Figs 10–27 ).

Variations. Second male with epicranial dorsum between eyes laterally darker (greyish brown), pronotal disc having brown median band, dividing vein of tegminal mirror clearly S-shaped ( Figs 41–42 View Figs 38–46 ), and genitalia having barely longer proximal spine of dorsoapical epiphallic process as well as slightly narrower (lower) distal part of ventroapical epiphallic lobule in profile ( Fig. 23 View Figs 10–27 ).

Female. Coloration and structure of body as in male, but scape and proximal portion of antennal flagellum somewhat lighter (more or less brown), pronotal disc and dorsal tegminal field sometimes almost yellowish with greyish tinge, posterior part of this disc sometimes completely brown ( Fig. 43 View Figs 38–46 ), tegminal R brown or greyish brown, median ocellus very small and round or obliterate, tegmina with 8–10 straight but somewhat obliquely situated longitudinal veins and moderately sparse crossveins in dorsal field as well as with 7–9 branches of Sc and almost without distinct crossveins in lateral field, and genital plate barely elongate as well as distally narrowing to roundly and rather widely bilobate apex (posteromedian notch of this apex short and almost angular; Fig. 44 View Figs 38–46 ). Ovipositor normally developed, with distinctly drilling apical part ( Figs 45–46 View Figs 38–46 ).

Length in mm. Body: ♂ 13–14.5, ♀ 11–14; body with wings: ♂ 20–22, ♀ 18–21; pronotum: ♂ 2.1–2.3, ♀ 2.4–2.8; tegmina: ♂ 14–15.5; ♀ 13–15; hind femora: ♂ 10.8–11.5, ♀ 10–11.5; ovipositor 7–8.5.

COMPARISON. The new species differs from the two other species of the subgenus Zvenellomorpha subgen.n. mainly in the male genital characters listed above.

ETYMOLOGY. This species name is the Latin word “intermedia ” (intermediate) due to the intermediate length of ectoparameres in the new species compared to both other species of this subgenus.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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