Alloclita subitariella (Riedl, 1993)

Koster, Sjaak (J. C.), Falck, Per, Junnilainen, Jari, Karsholt, Ole & van Nieukerken, Erik J., 2020, The francoeuriae species group in the genus Alloclita Staudinger, 1859 with description of A. canariensis Koster & Junnilainen, sp. nov. from the Canary Islands (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Cosmopterigidae), Nota Lepidopterologica 43, pp. 95-116 : 95

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Nota Lepidopterologica by Pensoft

scientific name

Alloclita subitariella (Riedl, 1993)


Alloclita subitariella (Riedl, 1993) Figs 5 View Figure 5 , 8 View Figures 8, 9 , 18 View Figure 18

Proceleustis subitariella Riedl, 1993: 149.

Alloclita subitariella (Riedl, 1993): Sinev 2002: 40 [recombination].

Material examined

Holotype. Saudi Arabia • 1♂; Maraba; 17.9°N, 42.38°E; 3 Sep. [19]78; W. Saenger leg.; genitalia slide: 1310/R; NHMB.


Alloclita subitariella can be distinguished from A. canariensis and A. francoeuriae by the proximal blackish brown streak on the forewing as an incomplete fascia which does not reach the dorsum and by the distal blackish brown streak that runs as a very broad fascia from the costa but does not reach the dorsum. In the male genitalia it differs from A. canariensis and A. francoeuriae by the broad-based brachia of the uncus and by the basal lobes of the valvae both of which bear an apical hook.


Male (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ). Forewing length 5.1 mm. Head: frons, vertex, neck tufts and collar shining white; labial palpus white, first segment short, less than half of the length of the second, second segment about as long as third with a brown dorsal spot at base, third segment with a broad, pale brown ring in apical half, apex white; scape dorsally white with a brown spot in middle, ventrally white, antenna white, annulated brownish grey, apical two-thirds missing. Thorax and tegulae shining creamy white. Legs: femora of fore and midleg white with some greyish brown irroration in apical half, tibiae and tarsi dark greyish brown, foreleg tibia with white basal, medial and apical rings, tarsal segment one with white basal and apical ring, segment two with white apical ring, segments three to five entirely dark greyish brown, midleg tibia as in foreleg, but medial ring twice as wide, tarsal segments one to three as in foreleg, segments four and five missing, hindlegs missing, spurs white. Forewing creamy white, at one-fifth a dark brown, outward oblique, fascia, below fold bending towards dorsum but not reaching it, outer edge irregular and at inner side edged pale ochreous, this edging runs to dorsum, at two fifths a dark brown fascia, twice as broad as inner one, not reaching dorsum and both inner and outer edge very irregular, at inner side edged pale ochreous from below costa to dorsum, at four-fifths a dark brown costal spot, prolonged towards dorsum as an inward oblique pale ochreous fascia, connected to the dorsal edging of the second fascia, a broad pale ochreous streak from tip of wing almost to tornus, fringe line indistinct, fringe creamy white. Hindwing shining white, fringe creamy white. Underside: forewing shining pale ochreous, dark brown fasciae indistinct; hindwing shining white. Abdomen not examined, already dissected.

Male genitalia

(Fig. 8 View Figures 8, 9 ). Brachia of uncus long and slightly bent ventrally, both brachia of equal length and wide at base, right brachium slightly more bent and more narrowed before middle, both brachia with small apical hook; tegumen short, broad and strongly tapering distally, halflength of brachia of uncus; valvae short with very wide base, tapering to short and rounded cucullus with long setae, right cucullus slightly wider than left one; basal lobes of valvae of unequal length, right basal lobe slightly wider than left one and with blunt apical hook, left basal lobe a quarter longer than the length of the right lobe and with a sharp apical hook; anellar tube very broad at base, with large triangular and pointed protrusion halfway along right side and shallow triangular protrusions halfway along right side, distal half of anellar tube strongly tapering and with very short setae; manica slightly widening towards base and strongly bent ventrally; phallus long, bent and tapering distally; vinculum large and bent downwards in middle.


(Fig. 18 View Figure 18 ). Saudi Arabia ( Riedl 1993).


Unknown. The holotype was collected in early September.


The single specimen is in poor condition. The male genitalia are positioned laterally on the slide with the phallus in situ and do not show all the characters properly.













