function drawChartTreatmentsPerSource() { var chartData = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Series', 'Number of Treatments'], ['Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal', 1], ['Bulletin de l\'Institut Océanographique de Monaco', 1], ['Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University', 1], ['Copeia', 1], ['European Journal of Taxonomy', 4], ['Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d\'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts', 1], ['K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvid. Math. Afhandl.', 1], ['Moniteur des Étrangers à Nice', 1], ['Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia', 1], ['Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3', 1], ['Rep. Danish Oceanogr. Exped. Mediterr., 1908 - 1910 Medit. Adj. Seas.', 1], ['Repertorio Fisico-Natural de la Isla de Cuba', 1], ['Videnskabelige Meddelelser frå Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening', 6], ['Zootaxa', 4] ]); var chartOptions = { pieHole: 0, title: 'Treatments per Journal (n=25)', fontSize: 'automatic', doWeHaveDanglingCommas: 'No ;-)' }; if (window.customizeGoogleChartOptions) customizeGoogleChartOptions(chartOptions, 'TreatmentsPerSource', 'pie', 14, 0); var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chartDivTreatmentsPerSource')); chart.draw(chartData, chartOptions); } google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['corechart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChartTreatmentsPerSource);