function drawChartSpecimensByCountry() { var chartData = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Series', 'Specimen Count (overall)'], ['', 13209], ['Algeria', 2], ['American Samoa', 4], ['Angola', 7], ['Antarctica', 1261], ['Argentina', 73], ['Aruba', 43], ['Australia', 575], ['Bahamas', 600], ['Barbados', 1], ['Belgium', 1], ['Belize', 11], ['Benin', 3], ['Bermuda', 449], ['Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba', 289], ['Brazil', 355], ['British Virgin Islands', 6], ['Cameroon', 1], ['Canada', 8], ['Chile', 102], ['China', 216], ['Colombia', 0], ['Costa Rica', 5], ['Croatia', 18], ['Cuba', 2], ['CuraƧao', 3], ['Democratic Republic of the Congo', 1], ['Denmark', 3], ['Djibouti', 1], ['Dominican Republic', 132], ['Ecuador', 19], ['Egypt', 1], ['Equatorial Guinea', 3], ['Falkland Islands', 10], ['Faroe Islands', 2], ['France', 108], ['Gabon', 5], ['Georgia', 20], ['Ghana', 1], ['Greenland', 6], ['Grenada', 1], ['Guadeloupe', 1], ['Guinea-Bissau', 1], ['Haiti', 19], ['Honduras', 43], ['Hong Kong', 10], ['Iceland', 1116], ['India', 1], ['Indonesia', 7], ['Iran', 19], ['Ireland', 6], ['Israel', 1], ['Italy', 10], ['Ivory Coast', 1], ['Jamaica', 3], ['Japan', 239], ['Liberia', 1], ['Madagascar', 2], ['Malaysia', 1], ['Marshall Islands', 61], ['Mauritania', 3], ['Mexico', 1013812], ['Morocco', 2], ['Mozambique', 4], ['Namibia', 250], ['Netherlands', 1], ['New Caledonia', 4], ['New Zealand', 30], ['Nicaragua', 1], ['Nigeria', 1], ['Norway', 89], ['Pakistan', 2], ['Panama', 96], ['Papua New Guinea', 1], ['Peru', 140], ['Philippines', 145], ['Portugal', 20], ['Puerto Rico', 15], ['Republic of the Congo', 1], ['Russia', 1], ['Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', 32], ['Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 1390], ['Somalia', 1], ['South Africa', 8], ['South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 38], ['South Korea', 18], ['Spain', 1], ['Sri Lanka', 1], ['Suriname', 40], ['Svalbard and Jan Mayen', 11], ['Sweden', 10], ['Switzerland', 3], ['Taiwan', 12], ['Tanzania', 1], ['Thailand', 75], ['Trinidad and Tobago', 2], ['Tunisia', 8], ['Turkey', 2], ['United Kingdom', 673], ['United Kingdom, United States of America', 69], ['United States of America', 1552], ['Uruguay', 2], ['Venezuela', 8], ['Yemen', 2], ['flores island', 1], ['grenada island', 97], ['guadalupe island', 1], ['isla guadalupe', 1], ['peru chile', 1], ['san vicente island', 73], ['south georgia island', 2] ]); var chartOptions = { region: 'world', fontSize: 'automatic', title: 'n=1037852', doWeHaveDanglingCommas: 'No ;-)' }; if (window.customizeGoogleChartOptions) customizeGoogleChartOptions(chartOptions, 'SpecimensByCountry', 'geo', 111, 0); var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('chartDivSpecimensByCountry')); chart.draw(chartData, chartOptions); } google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['geochart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChartSpecimensByCountry);