Herranz, Maria, Sørensen, Martin V., Park, Taeseo, Leander, Brian S. & Worsaae, Katrine, 2020, Insights into mud dragon morphology (Kinorhyncha, Allomalorhagida): myoanatomy and neuroanatomy of Dracoderes abei and Pycnophyes ilyocryptus

Herranz, Maria, Sørensen, Martin V., Park, Taeseo, Leander, Brian S. & Worsaae, Katrine, 2020, Insights into mud dragon morphology (Kinorhyncha, Allomalorhagida): myoanatomy and neuroanatomy of Dracoderes abei and Pycnophyes ilyocryptus, Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 20 (3), pp. 467-493

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