Panti-May, Jesús Alonso, Chan-Casanova, Anyela Jackelin, Canche-Pool, Elsy, Tello-Martín, Raúl, Ruiz-Piña, Hugo, Concha-Guillermo, Henry, Guiascón, Oscar Retana-, Vega, Pedro Pablo Martínez, Chablé-Santos, Juan, Martínez, Erendira Estrella-, Moguel-Chin, Wilson Isaias, Hernández-Orts, Jesús S., Hernández-Mena, David I., Mendoza-Garfias, Berenit & García-Prieto, Luis, 2024, Morphological and molecular data on helminths of Didelphis virginiana and Philander vossi (Mammalia: Didelphidae) from the Yucatán Peninsula, southeast Mexico

Panti-May, Jesús Alonso, Chan-Casanova, Anyela Jackelin, Canche-Pool, Elsy, Tello-Martín, Raúl, Ruiz-Piña, Hugo, Concha-Guillermo, Henry, Guiascón, Oscar Retana-, Vega, Pedro Pablo Martínez, Chablé-Santos, Juan, Martínez, Erendira Estrella-, Moguel-Chin, Wilson Isaias, Hernández-Orts, Jesús S., Hernández-Mena, David I., Mendoza-Garfias, Berenit & García-Prieto, Luis, 2024, Morphological and molecular data on helminths of Didelphis virginiana and Philander vossi (Mammalia: Didelphidae) from the Yucatán Peninsula, southeast Mexico, Zootaxa 5463 (1), pp. 1-24

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