Kristensen, Niels Peder, Hilton, Douglas J., Kallies, Axel, Milla, Liz, Rota, Jadranka, Wahlberg, Niklas, Wilcox, Stephen, Glatz, Richard A., Young, David A., Cocking, Glenn, Edwards, Ted, Gibbs, George W. & Halsey, Mike, 2015, A new extant family of primitive moths from Kangaroo Island, Australia and its significance for understanding early Lepidoptera evolution (Insecta)

Kristensen, Niels Peder, Hilton, Douglas J., Kallies, Axel, Milla, Liz, Rota, Jadranka, Wahlberg, Niklas, Wilcox, Stephen, Glatz, Richard A., Young, David A., Cocking, Glenn, Edwards, Ted, Gibbs, George W. & Halsey, Mike, 2015, A new extant family of primitive moths from Kangaroo Island, Australia and its significance for understanding early Lepidoptera evolution (Insecta), Systematic entomology 40, No. 1, pp. 5-16

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