Joshi, Akshay, Lanjekar, Vikram B., Dhakephalkar, Prashant K., Callaghan, Tony M., Griffith, Gareth W. & Dagar, Sumit Singh, 2018, Liebetanzomycespolymorphus gen. et sp. nov., a new anaerobic fungus (Neocallimastigomycota) isolated from the rumen of a goat

Joshi, Akshay, Lanjekar, Vikram B., Dhakephalkar, Prashant K., Callaghan, Tony M., Griffith, Gareth W. & Dagar, Sumit Singh, 2018, Liebetanzomycespolymorphus gen. et sp. nov., a new anaerobic fungus (Neocallimastigomycota) isolated from the rumen of a goat, MycoKeys 40, pp. 89-110

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