Turvey, Samuel T., Peters, Stuart, Brace, Selina, Young, Richard P., Crumpton, Nick, Hansford, James, Nuñez-Miño, José M., King, Gemma, Tsalikidis, Katrina, Ottenwalder, Jose A., Timpson, Adrian, Funk, Stephan M., Brocca, Jorge L., Thomas, Mark G. & Barnes, Ian, 2016, Independent evolutionary histories in allopatric populations of a threatened Caribbean land mammal

Turvey, Samuel T., Peters, Stuart, Brace, Selina, Young, Richard P., Crumpton, Nick, Hansford, James, Nuñez-Miño, José M., King, Gemma, Tsalikidis, Katrina, Ottenwalder, Jose A., Timpson, Adrian, Funk, Stephan M., Brocca, Jorge L., Thomas, Mark G. & Barnes, Ian, 2016, Independent evolutionary histories in allopatric populations of a threatened Caribbean land mammal, Diversity and Distributions 22, pp. 589-602

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Solenodon   new species  Supplementary Information (electronic online text)