Saucède, Thomas, Smith, Christopher, Olivier, Nicolas, Durlet, Christophe, Gueriau, Pierre, Thoury, Mathieu, Fara, Emmanuel, Escarguel, Gilles & Brayard, Arnaud, 2023, A new Early Triassic crinoid from Nevada questions the origin and palaeobiogeographical history of dadocrinids

Saucède, Thomas, Smith, Christopher, Olivier, Nicolas, Durlet, Christophe, Gueriau, Pierre, Thoury, Mathieu, Fara, Emmanuel, Escarguel, Gilles & Brayard, Arnaud, 2023, A new Early Triassic crinoid from Nevada questions the origin and palaeobiogeographical history of dadocrinids, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68 (1), pp. 155-166

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