Barr, Cheryl B. & Shepard, William D., 2024, A taxonomic review of the genus Psephenops Grouvelle of the Lesser Antilles with description of new species Psephenops trini, and reassignment of Peruvian species Psephenus robacki Spangler (Coleoptera: Psephenidae: Psepheninae)

Barr, Cheryl B. & Shepard, William D., 2024, A taxonomic review of the genus Psephenops Grouvelle of the Lesser Antilles with description of new species Psephenops trini, and reassignment of Peruvian species Psephenus robacki Spangler (Coleoptera: Psephenidae: Psepheninae), Insecta Mundi 2024 (45), pp. 1-22

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