Golos, Michal R., Robinson, Alastair S., Barer, Marc, Dančák, Martin, Witte, Jean De, Limberg, Adrien, Sapawi, Noorhana Binti Mohd & Tjiasmanto, Wewin, 2020, Nepenthes fractiflexa (Nepenthaceae), a new Bornean pitcher plant exhibiting concaulescent metatopy and a high degree of axillary bud activation

Golos, Michal R., Robinson, Alastair S., Barer, Marc, Dančák, Martin, Witte, Jean De, Limberg, Adrien, Sapawi, Noorhana Binti Mohd & Tjiasmanto, Wewin, 2020, Nepenthes fractiflexa (Nepenthaceae), a new Bornean pitcher plant exhibiting concaulescent metatopy and a high degree of axillary bud activation, Phytotaxa 432 (2), pp. 125-143

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