Teixeira, Marta MG, Borghesan, Tarcilla, Ferreira, Robson C, Santos, Marcia A, Takata, Carmen SA, Campaner, Marta, Nunes, Vania LB, Milder, Regina V, Souza, Wanderley De & Camargo, Erney P, 2011, Phylogenetic validation of the Genera Angomonas and Strigomonas of Trypanosomatids Harboring Bacterial Endosymbionts with the Description of New Species of Trypanosomatids and of Proteobacterial Symbionts

Teixeira, Marta MG, Borghesan, Tarcilla, Ferreira, Robson C, Santos, Marcia A, Takata, Carmen SA, Campaner, Marta, Nunes, Vania LB, Milder, Regina V, Souza, Wanderley De & Camargo, Erney P, 2011, Phylogenetic validation of the Genera Angomonas and Strigomonas of Trypanosomatids Harboring Bacterial Endosymbionts with the Description of New Species of Trypanosomatids and of Proteobacterial Symbionts, Protist 162, pp. 503-524

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