Shɨshkin-Skarð, Yegor, 2023, Reschetnjakaera nom. n. (gen.) pro Schizodiscus Dogiel 1952 non Clarke 1888, nec Kittl 1891, nec Kishinouye 1902 (Polycystina, Birifrangentia, Rhizaria), with the six new combinations and notes on the name Birifrangentia

Shɨshkin-Skarð, Yegor, 2023, Reschetnjakaera nom. n. (gen.) pro Schizodiscus Dogiel 1952 non Clarke 1888, nec Kittl 1891, nec Kishinouye 1902 (Polycystina, Birifrangentia, Rhizaria), with the six new combinations and notes on the name Birifrangentia, Zootaxa 5351 (4), pp. 497-500

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