Tsuihiji, Takanobu, Barsbold, Rinchen, Watabe, Mahito, Tsogtbaatar, Khishigjav, Chinzorig, Tsogtbaatar, Fujiyama, Yoshito & Suzuki, Shigeru, 2014, An exquisitely preserved troodontid theropod with new information on the palatal structure from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia

Tsuihiji, Takanobu, Barsbold, Rinchen, Watabe, Mahito, Tsogtbaatar, Khishigjav, Chinzorig, Tsogtbaatar, Fujiyama, Yoshito & Suzuki, Shigeru, 2014, An exquisitely preserved troodontid theropod with new information on the palatal structure from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia, Naturwissenschaften 101, No. 2, pp. 131-142

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