Yilmaz, Elif, Witkowski, Andrzej, Oezdelice, Neslihan, Solak, Cueneyt Nadir, Gastineau, Romain & Durmus, Turgay, 2023, Craspedostauros nazmii sp. nov., a new diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from the Turkish Coast of the Black Sea

Yilmaz, Elif, Witkowski, Andrzej, Oezdelice, Neslihan, Solak, Cueneyt Nadir, Gastineau, Romain & Durmus, Turgay, 2023, Craspedostauros nazmii sp. nov., a new diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from the Turkish Coast of the Black Sea, PhytoKeys 232, pp. 77-88

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