Uchida, A., Itagaki, H. & Inoue, H., 1980, Studies on the amphibian helminths in Japan. 7. Rhacophotrema itagakii n. g. et n. sp. and Opisthioglyphe japonicus n. sp. (Digenea: Omphalometridae) from frogs.

Uchida, A., Itagaki, H. & Inoue, H., 1980, Studies on the amphibian helminths in Japan. 7. Rhacophotrema itagakii n. g. et n. sp. and Opisthioglyphe japonicus n. sp. (Digenea: Omphalometridae) from frogs., Japanese Journal of Parasitology 29, No. 2, pp. 109-113

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