Yaegashi, Kousuke, Yamagishi, Yukimasa, Uwai, Shinya, Abe, Tsuyoshi, Eria Santiañez, Wilfred John & Kogame, Kazuhiro, 2015, Two species of the genus Acinetospora (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) from Japan: A. filamentosa comb. nov. and A. asiatica sp. nov.

Yaegashi, Kousuke, Yamagishi, Yukimasa, Uwai, Shinya, Abe, Tsuyoshi, Eria Santiañez, Wilfred John & Kogame, Kazuhiro, 2015, Two species of the genus Acinetospora (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) from Japan: A. filamentosa comb. nov. and A. asiatica sp. nov., Botanica Marina (Warsaw, Poland) 58 (5), pp. 331-343

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