Kouchinsky, Artem, Alexander, Ruaridh, Bengtson, Stefan, Bowyer, Fred, Clausen, Sébastien, Holmer, Lars E., Kolesnikov, Kirill A., Korovnikov, Igor V., Pavlov, Vladimir, Skovsted, Christian B., Ushatinskaya, Galina, Wood, Rachel & Zhuravlev, Andrey Y., 2022, Early-middle Cambrian stratigraphy and faunas from northern Siberia

Kouchinsky, Artem, Alexander, Ruaridh, Bengtson, Stefan, Bowyer, Fred, Clausen, Sébastien, Holmer, Lars E., Kolesnikov, Kirill A., Korovnikov, Igor V., Pavlov, Vladimir, Skovsted, Christian B., Ushatinskaya, Galina, Wood, Rachel & Zhuravlev, Andrey Y., 2022, Early-middle Cambrian stratigraphy and faunas from northern Siberia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67 (2), pp. 341-464

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Homotreta gorjanskii     358-361
Homotreta gorjanskii     363-364
Linnarssonia     364
Linnarssonia bulcurica     364-365
Botsfordiidae     365
Botsfordia caelata     365-368
Olenekotreta     368
Olenekotreta     368
Dictyonina pannula     369-370
Dictyonina     369
Paterinida     370-373
Camenella garbowskae     373-375
Tommotiidae     373
Helcionellidae     375
Davidonia anabarica     375-377
Lapworthella lucida     375
Helcionellida     375
Lapworthella tortuosa     375
Parailsanella undetermined     377
Horsegullia     377
Parailsanella     377
Bemella jacutica     377
Obtusoconus mirabilis     377
Horsegullia undetermined     377-379
Fordilla     379-383
Pelagiellidae     383
Pelagiella undetermined     384-386
Sachitida     387
Halkieria proboscidea     387-390
Cambroclavus     390-394
Archaeopetasus pachybasalis   sp. nov.  394-396
Archaeopetasus     394
Chancelloria undetermined     394
Archaeopetasus typicus     396-399
Orthothecida     399
Conotheca     399
Conotheca mammilata     399
Michniakia minuta     401-403
Conotheca longiconica     401
Michniakia     401
Egdetheca aldanica     403
Egdetheca     403
Protowenella flemingi     403
Majatheca undetermined     404
Cupitheca     404
Majatheca     404
Cupitheca undetermined     406
Triplicatella undetermined     407-409
Triplicatella     407
Microcornus eximius     409-411
Microcornus     409
Hyolithida     409
Parakorilithes     413
Parakorilithes mammillatus     413-414
Parkula     414
Parkula bounites     414-415
Pseudoconodontida     416
Gapparodus     416
Gapparodus bisulcatus     416-418
Protohertzina     418
Protohertzina undetermined     418-419
Palaeoscolecidae     419
Hadimopanella knappologica     419-421
<View Treatment>     419
Hadimopanella undetermined     421
Markuelia     423
Microdictyon robisoni     423-424
Markuelia secunda     423
Cambria sibirica     424
Cambria     424
Mongolitubulus     424-425
Judomia     425
Mongolitubulus spinosus     425
Dibrachicystidae     427-428
<View Treatment>     427
Ctenocystoida     429
Hyolithelminthida     429
Hyolithellus isiticus     431
Hyolithellus undetermined     431-433
Angustiochreida     433
Anabarites tristichus     433-434
Selindeochrea     434-436
Platysolenites antiquissimus     436-437
Thoracospongia undetermined     437-439
Abnormisella undetermined     439
Abnormisella     439
Dodecaactinella undetermined     441-444
Polyactinellida     441
<View Treatment>     441
Microcoryne cephalata     444-446
Nabaviella undetermined     446
Sulugurella undetermined     447-449
Sulugurella     447
Microdictyon     449
Carinacyathus undetermined     450
Cryptoporocyathidae     450
Ajacicyathina     450
Carinacyathidae     450
Cambrocyathellus     452
Dictyocyathidae     452
Cambrocyathellus undetermined     452