Selbach, Chlcstcan, Soldánová, Mcloslava, Geolgceva, Scmona, Kostadcnova, Aneta & Sules, Belnd, 2015, Integrative taxonomic approach to the cryptic diversity of Diplostomum spp. in lymnaeid snails from Europe with a focus on the ‘ Diplostomum mergi’ species complex

Selbach, Chlcstcan, Soldánová, Mcloslava, Geolgceva, Scmona, Kostadcnova, Aneta & Sules, Belnd, 2015, Integrative taxonomic approach to the cryptic diversity of Diplostomum spp. in lymnaeid snails from Europe with a focus on the ‘ Diplostomum mergi’ species complex, Parasites & Vectors (300) 8 (1), pp. 1-21

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