Vďačný, Peter, Rajter, Ľubomír, Shazib, Shahed Uddin Ahmed, Jang, Seok Won, Kim, Ji Hye & Shin, Mann Kyoon, 2015, Reconstruction of Evolutionary History of Pleurostomatid Ciliates (Ciliophora, Litostomatea, Haptoria): Interplay of Morphology and Molecules

Vďačný, Peter, Rajter, Ľubomír, Shazib, Shahed Uddin Ahmed, Jang, Seok Won, Kim, Ji Hye & Shin, Mann Kyoon, 2015, Reconstruction of Evolutionary History of Pleurostomatid Ciliates (Ciliophora, Litostomatea, Haptoria): Interplay of Morphology and Molecules, Acta Protozoologica 54 (1), pp. 9-29

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