Abhishek, Venkateshaiah, David, Karamankodu Jacob, Hancock, David Lawrence, Pradeep, Shivanand, Kalleshwaraswamy, C. M., Sridhara, S. & Satish, K. M., 2024, New Indian species of Dacus Fabricius (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) similar to Dacus crabroniformis (Bezzi), endemic to the Western Ghats and Northeastern Himalayas

Abhishek, Venkateshaiah, David, Karamankodu Jacob, Hancock, David Lawrence, Pradeep, Shivanand, Kalleshwaraswamy, C. M., Sridhara, S. & Satish, K. M., 2024, New Indian species of Dacus Fabricius (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) similar to Dacus crabroniformis (Bezzi), endemic to the Western Ghats and Northeastern Himalayas, Zootaxa 5446 (3), pp. 366-382

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