Bravo-Cuevas, Victor Manuel, Priego-Vargas, Jaime, Cabral-Perdomo, Miguel`ngel & Maldonado, Marco Antonio Pineda, 2016, First occurrence of Panthera atrox (Felidae, Pantherinae) in the Mexican state of Hidalgo and a review of the record of felids from the Pleistocene of Mexico

Bravo-Cuevas, Victor Manuel, Priego-Vargas, Jaime, Cabral-Perdomo, Miguel`ngel & Maldonado, Marco Antonio Pineda, 2016, First occurrence of Panthera atrox (Felidae, Pantherinae) in the Mexican state of Hidalgo and a review of the record of felids from the Pleistocene of Mexico, Fossil Record 19 (2), pp. 131-141

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