Damiani, Ross, Schoch, Rainer R., Hellrung, Hanna, Werneburg, Ralf & Gastou, Stéphanie, 2009, The plagiosaurid temnospondyl Plagiosuchus pustuliferus (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Middle Triassic of Germany: anatomy and functional morphology of the skull

Damiani, Ross, Schoch, Rainer R., Hellrung, Hanna, Werneburg, Ralf & Gastou, Stéphanie, 2009, The plagiosaurid temnospondyl Plagiosuchus pustuliferus (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Middle Triassic of Germany: anatomy and functional morphology of the skull, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155 (2), pp. 348-373

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