Ma, Ka Yan & Craig, Matthew T., 2018, An Inconvenient Monophyly: An Update on the Taxonomy of the Groupers (Epinephelidae)

Ma, Ka Yan & Craig, Matthew T., 2018, An Inconvenient Monophyly: An Update on the Taxonomy of the Groupers (Epinephelidae), Copeia 106 (3), pp. 443-456

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Cephalopholis     445-448
Epinephelus     448-449
Hyporthodus     449
Mycteroperca     451
Plectropomus     451-452
Alphestes     454
Cephalopholis     454-455
Hyporthodus     455-456
Epinephelus     455
Gonioplectrus     455
Dermatolepis     455
Variola     456
Mycteroperca     456
Plectropomus     456