Mistletoe, Insects Associated With The European, Album, Viscum, Ukraine, In Western Part Of, Zamoroka, A Pilot Study A. M., Shparyk, V. Yu., Dovhaniuk, I. Ya. & Varga, O. O., 2023, Insects Associated with the European Mistletoe (Viscum album) in Western Ukraine: a Pilot Study

Mistletoe, Insects Associated With The European, Album, Viscum, Ukraine, In Western Part Of, Zamoroka, A Pilot Study A. M., Shparyk, V. Yu., Dovhaniuk, I. Ya. & Varga, O. O., 2023, Insects Associated with the European Mistletoe (Viscum album) in Western Ukraine: a Pilot Study, Zoodiversity 57 (5), pp. 433-450

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