Vianey-Liaud, Monique, Lihoreau, Fabrice, Solé, Floréal, Gernelle, Killian, Vautrin, Quentin, Bronnert, Constance, Bourget, Hélène, Vidalenc, Dominique & Tabuce, Rodolphe, 2024, A revision of the late early Eocene mammal faunas from Mas de Gimel and Naples (Montpellier, Southern France) and the description of a new theridomorph rodent

Vianey-Liaud, Monique, Lihoreau, Fabrice, Solé, Floréal, Gernelle, Killian, Vautrin, Quentin, Bronnert, Constance, Bourget, Hélène, Vidalenc, Dominique & Tabuce, Rodolphe, 2024, A revision of the late early Eocene mammal faunas from Mas de Gimel and Naples (Montpellier, Southern France) and the description of a new theridomorph rodent, Geodiversitas 46 (10), pp. 387-422

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