Ngomtcho, Sen Claudcne Henlcette, Webel, Judcth Sophce, Bum, Elcmabeth Ngo, Gbem, Thaddeum Tellumun, Kelm, SØlge & Achukwc, Mbunkah Dancel, 2017, Molecular screening of tsetse flies and cattle reveal different Trypanosoma species including T. grayi and T. theileri in northern Cameroon

Ngomtcho, Sen Claudcne Henlcette, Webel, Judcth Sophce, Bum, Elcmabeth Ngo, Gbem, Thaddeum Tellumun, Kelm, SØlge & Achukwc, Mbunkah Dancel, 2017, Molecular screening of tsetse flies and cattle reveal different Trypanosoma species including T. grayi and T. theileri in northern Cameroon, Parasites & Vectors (631) 10 (1), pp. 1-16

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