Karlsbakk, Egil & Køie, Marianne, 2012, The marine myxosporean Sigmomyxa sphaerica (Thélohan, 1895) gen. n., comb. n. (syn. Myxidium sphaericum) from garfish (Belone belone (L. )) uses the polychaete Nereis pelagica L. as invertebrate host

Karlsbakk, Egil & Køie, Marianne, 2012, The marine myxosporean Sigmomyxa sphaerica (Thélohan, 1895) gen. n., comb. n. (syn. Myxidium sphaericum) from garfish (Belone belone (L. )) uses the polychaete Nereis pelagica L. as invertebrate host, Parasitology Research (211) 110 (1), pp. 211-218

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