Taurocerus edessoides ( Spinola, 1837 )

Jocélia Grazia & Aline Barcellos, 2005, Revision of Taurocerus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatomini), Iheringia, Série Zoologia 95 (2), pp. 173-181 : 179-181

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S0073-47212005000200007



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scientific name

Taurocerus edessoides ( Spinola, 1837 )


Taurocerus edessoides ( Spinola, 1837)

( Figs. 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 28 View Figs )

Arvelius edessoides SPINOLA, 1837:347 View in CoL .

Taurocerus hector STÅL, 1862:108 ; 1872:47; WALKER, 1867:391 (list).

Taurocerus edessoides; DALLAS, 1851:302 (list); DISTANT, 1880:82, pl. 7, fig. 25 (list); Stål, 1872:47; LETHIERRY & SEVERIN, 1893:185 (cat.); KIRKALDY, 1909:150 (cat.).

Type-locality. Brazil.

Type material. Lectotype and paralectotype, here designated. The material belongs to Spinola’s collection, at present deposited at MRSN. A green label in the box, containing the following data: Arvelius edessoides Spin ., G. taurocerus, A. et S., D. Bouquet, Brésil.

Type material of T. hector examined. Stål described this species based on two males from Mexico and one female from unknown locality. We received from NHRS three males labeled as “ typus ” (loan number 1068/99) and “ paratypus ” (numbers 1069/99 and 1070/99), the last one collected in Bogotá [Colombia] by Alexander Lindig. We believe that the specimen 1070/99 is not actually a syntype of T. hector and the female mentioned in the Stål’s original description is missed. Then, we here designate as lectotype and paralectotype, respectively: 1, labeled: a) Vera Cruz [handwritten]; b) Hector Typ. Stål [handwritten]; c) Sallé; d) Typus [red label]; e) Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet Stockholm Loan no 1068/99; 1, labeled: a) Mexico; b) Stål; c) Hector Typ. Stål [handwriting]; d) Paratypus; e) Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet Stockholm Loan number 1069/99.

Description. Dorsal surface reddish-castaneous, abdominal venter reddish. Apex of humeri yellow. Rostrum reaching the fourth abdomninal sternite. Vshaped callous of scutellum, in the most of the specimens examined, with broad and closed arms, becoming cordiform in appearance; in some specimens, however, the callous is faded.

Male. Measurements (n = 10). Total length 15.56 (14.63-16.50) ± 0.73; head length 2.96 (2.69-3.16) ± 0.13; width 3.27 (3.06-3.50) ± 0.15; eye width 0.74 (0.63-0.81) ± 0.06; interocular distance 1.80 (1.69-1.94) ± 0.08; anteocular length 1.47 (1.38-1.56) ± 0.07; antennal segments I, 0.88 (0.81-1.06) ± 0.08; II, 1.47 (1.25-1.63) ± 0.10; III, 1.94 (1.63-2.44) ± 0.22; IV, 3.13 (2.78-3.56) ± 0.22; V, 3.24 (3.06-3.44) ± 0.14; pronotal length 3.81 (3.63- 4.25) ± 0.24; width 13.62 (11.88-15.00) ± 1.19; scutellum length 6.70 (6.25-7.25) ± 0.36; width 5.98 (5.50-6.50) ± 0.35; corium length 9.34 (8.50-10.00) ± 0.50; abdominal width 9.24 (8.75-9.63) ± 0.35.

Genitalia. Pygophore quadrangular, globose in caudal view, little open dorsally. Dorsal rim slightly sinuated. Proctiger trapezoidal, wider basally, with 1 + 1 tumid areas at the distal half ( fig. 6 View Figs ). Parameres distally thin ( fig. 15 View Figs ), apex strongly curved latero-posteriorly ( fig. 9 View Figs ). Posterolateral angles with a small, acute tubercle. Ventral rim: median process acute; lateromedian processes small, conical, delimiting a median V-shaped excavation ( fig. 12 View Figs ). Phallus ( figs. 18, 21, 24 View Figs ): basal plate welldeveloped, half as long as phallotheca. Visible part of processus phallothecae long, more than two thirds as long as phallotheca. Vesica well-developed with one median, ventral process. Ductus seminis distalis long, surpassing conjunctiva. Conjunctiva well-developed, with 1 + 1 dorsal processes (prcj1); prcj2 absent.

Female. Measurements (n = 10). Total length 15.56 (14.25-17.00) ± 0.98; head length 2.87 (2.66-3.19) ± 0.13; width 3.28 (3.13-3.44) ± 0.10; eye width 0.77 (0.69-0.81) ± 0.04; interocular distance 1.80 (1.69-1.88) ± 0.08; anteocular length 1.43 (1.31-1.56) ± 0.07; antennal segments I, 0.92 (0.81-1.06) ± 0.07; II, 1.40 (1.25-1.56) ± 0.10; III, 1.83 (1.63-2.00) ± 0.11; IV, 3.06 (2.81-3.25) ± 0.15; V, 3.18 (3.06-3.25) ± 0.10; pronotal length 3.81 (3.56-4.00) ± 0.17; width 13.41 (12.13-14.75) ± 0.78; scutellum length 6.73 (6.25-7.19) ± 0.30; width 6.01 (5.75-6.38) ± 0.21; corium length 9.31 (8.88-10.00) ± 0.42; abdominal width 9.29 (8.88-9.75) ± 0.32.

Genitalia. Gonocoxites 8 triangular, about one and a half wider than long ( fig. 26 View Figs ). Sutural borders of gonocoxites 8 convergent, contiguous at apical half. Posterior borders concave near laterotergites 9. Laterotergites 9 narrow at apex. Secondary thickenings of gonapophysis 9 ear-like ( fig. 28 View Figs ).

Material examined. MEXICO, Veracruz: playa escondida 28 Km NE of Catemaco, 50 m),, 30.IX. [19]74, M. Madison col. ( AMNH); Los Tuxtlas (“ camino a Balzapotl ”),, 11.IX. [19]86, L. Cervantes col.(10:45 80, Siparuna ) ( AMNH); idem,, 15.VI. [19]86, idem (13:20, Siparuna ), idem ( AMNH); GUATEMALA, Alta Verapaz: San Juan, , Champion col. ( NHMW) ; COSTA RICA, Guanacaste: Santa Rosa (PN Guanacaste),, 20.X. [19]96, F. Fernández col. (IAvH 05098) ; PANAMA, Panama: Distr. Chame , Cerro Campana (800 m),, 24.VII. [19]82, H.D. Engleman col. ( AMNH) ; idem,, 3.V. [19]81, idem ( AMNH) ; idem,, 10.V. [19]81, E. Giesbert col. ( AMNH) ; Canal Zone: Barro Colorado ,, II-III.1936, W.J. Gertsch col. ( AMNH) ; COLÔMBIA, Meta: Caño Grande (450 m),, II.[19]48, Richter col. ( UNCB He 00435) ; Amazonas: Araracuara ,,, 21.VIII. [19]77, R. Restrepo col. ( UNCB He 00376 , He 00377 ) ; ECUADOR, Napo: Limoncocha (00 o 24’S, 76 o 36’W),, 7.VIII.1972, Peter L. Kazan col. ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; GUYANA, Cuyuni- Mazaruni: Bartica ,, VIII, Pomerat col. ( AMNH) ; BRAZIL, C. Samuel, Jamari ,, III.1944, Parko col. ( UFRG) ; Amazonas: Benjamin Constant ( Rio Javari ),, III.1942, August Rabaut col. ( AMNH) ; idem,, 25.I-15.II.1942 ( AMNH) ; Querari ( Pelotão ), 01 o 05’N / 69 o 51’W ,, 20-21.IV.1993, C. Motta, R. Ferreira, J. Vidal, B. Matteo col. (“ luz mista de mercúrio e luz negra BL e BLB ”) ( INPA) GoogleMaps ; Pará: Belém ( Utinga ),, 20.I.1977, N. Guimarães col. ( MPEG) ; Acre: Feijó ,, 2, XI.1956 ( MZSP) ; idem,, XII.1956 ( MZSP) ; Mato Grosso: Chapada [dos Guimarães] ,, IX, acc.13739 ( AMNH) ; idem,, VIII, acc. 23739 ( AMNH) ; Rondônia: Porto Velho ( Terr. Guaporé ),, X.[19]44, Parko col. ( UFRG) ; Vilhena ,, 11.XII.1986, C. Elias col., Polonoroeste ( DZUP) ; Rolim de Moura ( Linha 204 ),, 31.X.1978, K. S. Brown Jr. col. (“ em mato aberto, terra roxa ”) ( ZUEC 2544 ) ; Minas Gerais: C[armo do] R[io] Claro ,, I.[19]45, Carvalho col. ( MNRJ) ; Espírito Santo: Baixo Guandu ,, 23-30.XI.1970, C. Elias col. ( DZUP) ; Santa Leopoldina ,, 3.IX.1964, Claudionor Elias col. ( DZUP) ; São Paulo: Tupã ,, V.1947, Fritz Plaumann col., Ex. Coll. H. Ruckes ( AMNH) ; Severinia ,, XII.1940, A.G. Silva col. ( MCNZ 003616 ) ; Osasco ,, XII.1957 ( MZSP) ; PERU, Loreto: Iquitos ,, no date, F6062, H. Bassler Collection, Acc. 33591 ( AMNH) ; Upper Rio Maranon ,, 20.IV. [19]24, F6029, idem ( AMNH) ; idem,, 5.X. [19]24, F6103, H. Bassler Collection, Acc. 33591 ( AMNH) ; idem, 3, 11.X. [19]24, F6102, idem ( AMNH) ; idem,, 11.X. [19]24, F6102, idem ( AMNH) ; Amazonas: Rio Santiago ,, 06.XI.1928, F619F, H. Bassler Collection, Acc. 33591 ( AMNH) ; idem,, 27.XI. [19]24, F6012, idem ( AMNH) ; idem,, 23.XI. [19]24, F6012, idem ( AMNH) ; Rio Ucayali ,,, 27.IX. [19]23, F6004, idem ( AMNH) ; Ucayali: Pucallpa, Rio Ucayali , 200m ,, no date, Dirings col., Coll. Dirings ( MCNZ 003585 ) ; Huánuco: Tingo María ,, 18-23.IX. [19]76, Jeff Baier col. ( AMNH) ; Cuzco: Pilcopata ,, 11.X.68, (“arbusto, 1604”) ( UFRG) ; BOLIVIA, Cochabamba: Chaparé (400 m),, 12.XII.1949, Dirings col. ( MZSP) .

Comments. The color of the specimens varies from reddish to dark reddish-castaneous; the length of humeri is also variable, but the apices are always yellowish. The size and the triangular shape of gonocoxites 8, combined with the color of humeri distinguish T. edessoides from T. achilles and T. abruptus.


USA, New York, New York, American Museum of Natural History


Austria, Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Colombia, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Insituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional


Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Biologia


Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazoonia, Colecao Sistematica da Entomologia


Brazil, Para, Belem, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Brazil, Parana, Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Parana, Museu de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Cristovao, Universidade do Rio Janeiro, Museu Nacional


Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Museu de Ciencias Naturais da Fundacao Zoo-Botanica do Rio Grande do Sul














Taurocerus edessoides ( Spinola, 1837 )

Jocélia Grazia & Aline Barcellos 2005

Arvelius edessoides

Arvelius edessoides SPINOLA, 1837:347 .

Taurocerus hector STÅL, 1862:108

Taurocerus hector STÅL, 1862:108
WALKER, 1867:391

Taurocerus edessoides; DALLAS, 1851:302

DALLAS, 1851:302
DISTANT, 1880:82
Stål, 1872:47
KIRKALDY, 1909:150
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