Glossodrilus chaguala, Feijoo & Zuluaga & Molina, 2018

Feijoo, Alexander, Zuluaga, Luis Fernando & Molina, Ligia Janneth, 2018, New species and records of earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) in plantain cropping systems in Colombia's coffee-growing region, Zootaxa 4496 (1), pp. 448-458 : 450-451

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4496.1.34

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scientific name

Glossodrilus chaguala

sp. nov.

Glossodrilus chaguala sp. nov.

( Figure 2A–D View FIGURE 2 )

Material examined. Holotype: Clitellate specimen (CNLT-UTP-0316). Locality : Colombia, department of Quindío, La Sofe farm (4° 33'30"N, 75°41'10"W). Type of vegetation: sole cropped plantain; intercropped coffee/ plantain. Altitude : 1479 m.a.s.l. Sampling depth: 0–20 cm. Collection date: 26 April 2016 and 1 June 2017. Collectors: A. Feijoo, L.J. Molina, and L.F. Zuluaga GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 4 adults, 1 juvenile (CNLT-UTP-0317). Locality: Colombia, Department of Quindío, La Sofe farm (4° 33'30"N, 75°41'10"W). Type of vegetation: sole cropped plantain; intercropped coffee/plantain. Altitude : 1479 m.a.s.l. Sampling depth: 0–20 cm. Collection date: 26 April 2016 and 1 June 2017. Collectors: A. Feijoo, L.J. Molina, L.F. Zuluaga , and L.F. Arango. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The new species name is given in honor of the chiefdom of the Quimbaya culture, where the chief was named " chaguala ".

Description. Endogeic species, with a cylindrical, non-pigmented body. Holotype: length (fixed and preserved in 95% alcohol) 19.1 mm, diameter 1.23 mm in preclitellar region, 1.15 mm at clitellum, 1.12 mm in postclitellar region. Number of segments: 74. Paratype (three adults): Adult 1: 21.9 mm long, width 0.93 mm (segment 10), 1.3 mm (segment 21), 0.99 mm (segment 40); number of segments: 87. Adult 2: 19.4 mm long, width 0.93 mm (segment 10), 0.91 mm (segment 21), 0.89 (segment 40); number of segments: 79. Adult 3: 15.3 mm long, width 0.78 mm (segment 10), 0.8 mm (segment 21), and 0.77 mm (segment 40); number of segments: 85. The prostomium small, epilobic. Setae arranged in four pairs of longitudinal rows. Setae sigmoid with nodulus, in the median zone with ornate nodule curve, length 0.05 mm ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Setae a and b of 10 and 16 modified into genital setae ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Distance between setae in segment 30 aa:ab:bc:cd:dd = 4:1:3:2:14. The saddle-shaped clitellum lies in segments 15–20, 21 (=6, 7) ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ), with tubercula pubertatis located between segments 16–18, ½ 19 (=3, 3.5 segments), they are shaped like a discontinuous thick line that closes in the ventral region, next to the line setae cd. In the ventral region of segment 13, a pair of round-shaped papillae. Male pores in intersegment 16/17, female pores in ½ 14. Nephropores between setae c and d. Two pairs of spermathecal pores were observed in intersegments 8/9 and 9/10.

Internal anatomy. Septa 6/7–10/11 very thick, conical, interpenetrated. Gizzard in segment 6. One pair of calciferous glands in segments 11, 12 of intertwined-tubular structure, without glandular and membranous division. Esophagus-intestine transition in segment 15, typhlosole from segment 15. Absence of caeca. Three pairs of lateral hearts in segments 7–9, two pairs of intestinal hearts in segments 10 and 11. Absence of supraesophageal and subneural vessels. One pair of vesicular holonephridia per segment. The two large testis sacs coalesce ventrally in segment 11. The large seminal vesicles in segment 12 continue back to segment 26 ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). The male ducts run ventrally along the parietal region to intersegment 16/17. Ovaries in segment 13, female pores in segment ½ 14. Two pairs of spermathecae in segments 9 and 10, bean-shaped, of different size, the second pair are larger. The duct thin and separate from the ampulla ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ).

Remarks. Glossodrilus chaguala sp. nov. is a species closely related to G. baloghi Zicsi, 1988 , Glossodrilus kalmari Zicsi, 1995 , Glossodrilus kaszabi Zicsi, 1988 , Glossodrilus mahnerti, Zicsi 1989 , and Glossodrilus parecis Righi & Ayres, 1975 because of the presence of clitellum in segments 15–20, 21. The following characteristics of the new species allow its differentiation from the others: tubercula pubertatis in segments 16–18, ½ 19; male pores located in intersegment 16/17; large seminal vesicles in segment 12 that continue to the end of segment 26, and two pairs of bean-shaped spermathecae in segments 9 and 10. Distinctive characteristics of the other species are as follows: G. baloghi : clitellum annular; tubercula pubertatis in segments 16–1/4 19; male pores in segments 16; in the ventral region of segment 13, a pair of round-shaped papillae; seminal vesicles in segments 16–19. G. kalmari : tubercula pubertatis in segments 18–½ 20; male pores in segments 18/19; seminal vesicles in segment 11. G. kaszabi : tubercula pubertatis in segments 16, ½ 16–18; male pores in segments 16/17; not clear if; one pair of spermathecal pores in segments 8/9. G. mahnerti : tubercula pubertatis in segments 16–18; male pores in segments 17/18; seminal vesicles in segment 11. G. parecis : tubercula pubertatis with quadrangular-shaped glandular area in segments 2/3 16– 2/3 18; male pores in segments 16/17; seminal vesicles in segments 11–14, 15; absence of spermathecal pores.















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