Callajoppa cirrogaster (SCHRANK)

A. M, 2009, Illustrated key to the tribes of subfamilia Ichneumoninae and genera of the tribe Platylabini of world fauna (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (2), pp. 1317-1608 : 1398-1400

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5277083

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scientific name

Callajoppa cirrogaster (SCHRANK)


Callajoppa cirrogaster (SCHRANK) View in CoL (Plate 22)

Ichneumon cirrogaster SCHRANK 1781 - Enumeratio insectorum austriae indigenorum: 348, Ƌ. Callajoppa cirrogaster: HEINRICH 1962 View in CoL - Canad. Ent. 29: 814-815, ♀, Ƌ. F e m a l e

F l a g e l l u m: Moderately slender, bristle-shaped, with 50 segments, without white annulus, flattened ventrally beyond middle; first segment short, only 3,2 times longer than width at apex, already segment 8 square; segments of flagellum weakly separated (differentiated). Flagellum 1,3 times shorter than the front wing and 1,7 times shorter than body length.

H e a d: Head contour from front slightly narrowed downwards, transversal, 1,4 times wider than height, considerable part of temples visible from front (up to middle of eye), genae from front long, 3,3 times shorter height of eye; head stout, from above 1,4 times wider than length. Vertex from lateral gradually slanting down after the ocelli to occipital carina; temples long, 1,5 times longer than longitudinal diameter of an eye at the middle, almost parallel to hind margin of eye, from above swollen and roundly narrowed behind eyes; occipital carina, from above strongly roundly impressed, but far not reach level of eyes and hind ocelli; hypostomal carina not visible from lateral, meeting with occipital carina before base of mandible; malar space only 1,1 times shorter than the mandible base width; mandibles strong, sharply curved behind middle, teeth large, lower tooth two times shorter than upper, situated in the same plane, cavity between teeth narrow; clypeus convex in the middle of base, sharply separated from middle field of face by suture, approximately 2,2 times wider than height, front margin not thinned, convex at middle; clypeal foveae large, deep; labrum not protrude from under clypeus; middle field of face strongly elevated above lateral fields, in middle only 1,1 times wider than lateral fields; antennal cavities deeply impressed, almost reach borders of eyes and not reach front ocellus level, laterally above antennal fossae without tubercles and with strong interantennal tubercle; ocelli of normal size, diameter of lateral ocellus 1,7 times less than distance from ocellus to eye; ocellar triangle separated from other parts of head by impressions. Surface of head rather densely punctured by superficial punctures, shining, without microsculpture, only genae between mandibles and eyes shagreen.

T h o r a x: Collar of pronotum moderately long with straight front margin (from above); transverse furrow of pronotum moderately deep, not interrupted by keel; pronotal ridge not thickened; epomiae sharp; pronotal base gradually curved, sinuous, with acute apex. Mesonotum slightly convex, 1,2 times longer than width; notauli only in form of very slight impressions at base; mesonotum bordered laterally by furrow, especially deep behind tegulae; axillary tongue developed; surface of mesonotum densely sculpturated by delicate superficial punctures, interspaces between punctures shagreen, slightly shining; subalarum moderately elevated, thick, sharpened only at hind third; prepectus behind front coxae not impressed; prepectal carina sharp; speculum shining, sculpturated by longitudinal wrinkles and smoothed punctures, polished; area of mesopleural fovea deeply impressed; mesopleural suture straight, interrupted by transversal ribs reaching hind border of mesopleurae; border between vertical and horizontal parts of mesopleurae sharp; sternauli not developed; scutellum from lateral of hump form, not carinated laterally, horizontal part smooth, shining, slightly sculpturated by small superficial punctures. Hind margin of metanotum with sharp, short, almost bacilliform projections opposite lateral longitudinal carinae. Propodeum from lateral triangle, sharply sloping from apex to basal furrow and gradually backwards to apex of propodeum, not divided on horizontal and vertical parts; area superomedia in form of small swollen triangle; lateral carinae of basal area absent, other carinae sharp, high, except coxal carina, which visible in form of impression with sharp transverse ribs; spiracles long, slit-shaped. Surface of propodeum sharply transversally-wrinkled, without microsculpture, shining.

L e g s: Long, strong; hind coxae without scopa. Claws, smooth, gradually curved at upper third and slightly widened at base.

W i n g s: Areolet quadrangular, slightly asymmetrical, external vein of apex longer than internal (as of Trogus ); stigma narrow, light; radial cell narrow and very long, radius sinuous at base and at apex; nervulus postfurcal; ramulus long; all veins of hind wing

pigmented; membrane of wing hyaline, yellowish. Length of front wing 1,3 times shorter than body length.

A b d o m e n: Abdomen from above drop-shaped, gradually widened from base to apex of forth tergite; second tergite from above 1,3 times longer than width at apex; abdomen amblypygous; sheath of ovipositor only just protrude. First tergite from lateral almost straight, uniformly widened from base to apex, from lateral carinated and sculpturated by transversal ribs; from above petiolus sharply broadened to postpetiolus; distance between spiracles two times more than distance from spiracles to hind margin of tergite; middle field slightly elevated and not carinated; its surface slightly longitudinally wrinkly-punctured. Gastrocoeli deep, relatively short; thyridia expressed slightly, situated near base of second tergite, equal by breadth to interval between them; lunulae distinct, in form of slight impressions; surface of tergites of abdomen with very delicate superficial punctures, to shagreen, slightly shining. Hypopygium flattened, from below triangle with rounded apex, without longitudinal fold; only second and third sternites with longitudinal fold.

C o l o r a t i o n: Flagellum in most part ferruginous. Head and thorax black with yellow pattern: clypeus, face in most part of internal and external orbits, upper margin of pronotum, subalarum, scutellum and postscutellum. Apex of first and tergites 2-4 of abdomen yellow-red, other tergites black. Legs mainly yellow, with exception of black coxae and most part of femora of hind legs.

S i z e: Body length: 22; flagellum: 13; front wing: 17 mm.

M a l e

Flagellum of males long, bristle-shaped, slightly widened beyond middle and practically not flattened ventrally, with 46 segments, with rather large dark oval tyloides on segments 9-20; scutellum pyramidal; segments of flagellum of basic color only ventrally up to middle; face completely and ocellar orbits yellow; coxae more reach yellowish.














Callajoppa cirrogaster (SCHRANK)

A. M 2009

Callajoppa cirrogaster:


Ichneumon cirrogaster

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