Diplomoela browni James & Bartz, 2023

Silva, Elodie Da, Santos, Alessandra, Nadolny, Herlon S., Bartz, Marie L. C., James, Samuel W. & Brown, George G., 2023, Earthworms from natural and managed ecosystems in Southern Bahia, Brazil, Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 270-282 : 273-274

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Diplomoela browni James & Bartz, 2023


Diplomoela browni James & Bartz, 2023

BRBA0010 (BRBADNA0331), 1 adult minhocuçu ( Figure 1C View FIGURE 1 ); topsoil (0–20cm) of native forest at the Estaç „o Ecológica Pau Brasil, Porto Seguro, BA (S16.38596 W39.17433); 113 m a.s.l., 13-11-2014, M.L.C. Bartz and G.G. Brown, colls GoogleMaps .

Diplomoela sp. nov.

BRBA0011 (BRBADNA0347), 1 sub-adult of a different species of Diplomoela in topsoil (0–20cm) of native forest at the RPPN Estaç „o Veracel , Porto Seguro, BA (S16.38724 W39.16957) GoogleMaps ; 90 m a.s.l., 14-11-2014, M.L.C. Bartz and G.G. Brown, colls.

Pauqueba uirassu James, Bartz & Brown, 2023

BRBADNA0322, one individual in the litter of forest at the RPPN Serra Bonita, Camac„, BA (S15.23054 W39.34283); 908 m a.s.l., 11-11-2014, G.G. Brown, coll. BRBADNA0325, one individual in bromeliad of forest at the RPPN Serra Bonita, Camac„, BA (S15.38485 W39.57453); 902 m a.s.l., 11-11-2014, H. Nadolny, M.L.C. Bartz, E. da Silva and G.G. Brown, colls.

Pauqueba bonita James, Bartz & Brown, 2023

BRBADNA0326-0328ABC (5 vials), each with one individual in bromeliad of forest at the RPPN Serra Bonita, Camac„, BA (S15.38485 W39.57453); 902 m a.s.l., 11-11-2014, H. Nadolny, M.L.C. Bartz, E. da Silva and G.G. Brown, colls.

Pauqueba sp. nov.

BRBADNA0333, 1 juvenile of a different Pauqueba species; topsoil (0–20 cm) of native forest at the RPPN Estaç „o Veracel , Porto Seguro, BA (S16.23141 W39.10105); 90 m a.s.l., 14-11-2014, G.G. Brown, coll. GoogleMaps

Parabauba veracelensis James, Bartz & Brown, 2023

COFMBRBADNA0336-0341 (6 vials), each with one individual collected at 30 cm depth of native forest at the RPPN Estaç„o Veracel, Porto Seguro, BA (S16.38724 W39.16957); 90 m a.s.l., 14-11-2014, H. Nadolny, M.L.C. Bartz, E. da Silva and G.G. Brown, colls.

Parabauba sp. nov.

BRBADNA0309-0310 (2 vials), each with one individual of a new Parabauba species (different from P. veracelensis ), collected from the topsoil (0–20 cm) of forest at Rebio de Una, CEPLAC (Comiss„o Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira), Una, BA (S15.25578 W39.10320); 103 m a.s.l., 09-11-2014, M.L.C. Bartz, coll.

Ocnerodrilidae sp.

BRBA0004 , 1 individual; topsoil (0–20 cm) of cacao plantation at the RPPN Serra Bonita, Camac „, BA (S15.40871 W39.54012); 216 m a.s.l., 12-11-2014, H. Nadolny, M.L.C. Bartz, E. da Silva and G.G. Brown, colls. GoogleMaps BRBADNA0335, individual collected at 30 cm depth of native forest at the RPPN Estaç„o Veracel , Porto Seguro, BA (S16.38724 W39.16957); 90 m a.s.l., 14-11-2014, H. Nadolny, M.L.C. Bartz, E. da Silva and G.G. Brown, colls. GoogleMaps BRBADNA0342, 1 juvenile; topsoil (0–20cm) of cacao plantation at Serra das Lontras National Park , Arataca, BA (S15.13559 W39.31097); 502 m a.s.l., 10-11-2014, H. Nadolny, M.L.C. Bartz colls. GoogleMaps BRBADNA0344, 1 juvenile; topsoil (0–20 cm) of native forest at the RPPN Estaç „o Veracel , Porto Seguro, BA (S16.38724 W39.16957); 90 m a.s.l., 14-11-2014, H. Nadolny, M.L.C. Bartz, E. da Silva and G.G. Brown, colls GoogleMaps .














Diplomoela browni James & Bartz, 2023

Silva, Elodie Da, Santos, Alessandra, Nadolny, Herlon S., Bartz, Marie L. C., James, Samuel W. & Brown, George G. 2023

Pauqueba uirassu

James, Bartz & Brown 2023

Pauqueba bonita

James, Bartz & Brown 2023


James, Bartz & Brown 2023
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